battery with mines @OC?

k, i am bored like usual here at work, so i tried to solve a problem that appeared yesterday while we were trainin for OC...

we played battery vs. i dont remember (doesnt matter)

we defended battery (not that long but doesnt matter too)
at offense we first attacked the side and we walked into the first mines...

we were like "wtf wrong config" and stuff...

our opponent answered:
we asked Adacore and he said battery will be played with mines in this season´s OpenCup!

so i went out in the big world of IRC, wasted some time in qry´s to "so-called" CB-Admins, tried to discover sth. at the wonderfull CB-homepage and i wasnt surprised that i didnt find any information that seemed to be trustfull.

my last info was and is: For ETMasters they removed the mines - but is this still guilty for the runnin´ OC? Or did CB again sth special (beside karsiah&bremen)?

so, who will find sth written? plz let me know...
...and no "ask perfo" or "imo" stuff, thats an exxxtremley important question^^

this is a statement of nelli here at xfire:

i found comments like:
- "<3 Battery! With current anti-spam settings, and with no mines, it's more than playable. Still, missing the 20 second chargetime for soldier"
- Enemy-Territory should stay in some kind a orrignial[mortar,landmines(battery),experniace

my opinion:
with mines u can easily defend the back with 2 (!) guys! Without mines gives at a least a chance for the offense to break through...i wouldnt say its balanced equal then, but with mines its a "mission impossible" as everyone of us recognized at some point.
Lets hope they will disallow the mines.. else there is almost no way u could get in 0o
zonder mines is het iets te makkelijk imo met mijnen zou het veel leuker zijn ik heb donderdag aan oc match battery & karsiah ik hoop dat mines allowed zijn dan moet ovie ze wel ff pakke !
wilt u zitten? ik kan staan!
ask perfo nah :p
hope its allowed imo with mines its more funneh !
it should be without mines
Mines are allowed at OC.
i asked the question here on crossfire and adacore replied to me that it was without mines
first i thought: well, we´ve been playin battery against 20 teams without we got the first team that thinks mines r dont care cause they dont know better...but i couldnt find any official statement of CB at all...not on xfire neither on what would u do if ur opponent in a CB-match suddenly uses mines?!?
lets see if we got an official response at some point...
i dont think "adacore once said..." will be a good argument then :/
Anaconda (supervisor of OC 6on6) said to the admins that mines are allowed. I guess there isn't a statement for disallowing the mines because they are allowed.
Without a CP spawnpoint for the Allies the map is too hard to attack.
a.k.a. the map sucks.
Nah, the first stage is plenty of fun for an axis Panzerfaust (aka myself ;p) and the second stage is always interesting to attack, since you have to know how to addjust to your opponent.
no wonder u lose the map everytime :o
Haven't played it once.
Welcome to the world of not knowing whatta hell is going on...
What a hell are you waiting for?
jaja tony so is das battery mit mines sonst wäre die clanbase ja langweilig denn merke:

ist der zirkus noch so klein einer muss der august sein
battery with mines
ask perfo imo
it was vs A-Link and you tried to build the barrier as an allied engineer :p

war einfach geil ^^
das war grush und ich fühl mich schuldig :D
so geil wie du aus voller überzeugung mit der zange auf die barrier zugelaufen bist ^^
muß zugeben, wir haben uns au alle verschifft vor lachen^^

zu meiner verteidigung: es war 3sek. vorm spawn und ich hab verzweifelt nach was gesucht, was ich in den 2sek. noch sinvolles tun könnte :D
Idee gut, Ausführung nit ganz so^^

jetzt is aber gut, sonst nimmt mich team.ger doch nicht ;D
I still believe it is WITH mines, in the next match we played our opponent immeaditely stated "with mines ofc"

waiting for adacore's response
i´v sent a pm to him, lets wait...
and he also got 0 kills @ battery and 192 dmg in 2 rounds :(
lol, after i walked into the first mine, i started searchin at CB - watch ur demo. in defense it was a lil bit different ;)
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