eSports becomes a joke!

The major games played this year on a professional base:

ESWC 2007: (nothing special so far)

- Counter-Strike 1.6 (5on5)
- Quake 4 (1on1)
- Trackmania Nations (1on1)
- Warcraft III TFT (1on1)

WSVG 2007: (seemed like april fools)

- Guitar Hero II (1on1)
- World of Warcraft (3on3)
- Quake 4 (1on1)
- Fight Night Round III (1on1)

CPL 2007: (have a laugh)

- FEAR (xbox)
- World in Conflict (not released yet)
That's old news.
You want to point out that it's already a joke or want to correct me to write become instead of becomes? ;)
indeed looks like some one gets money to put those games in
trackmania? wtf is that?
trackmania has a big community and is absolutely competitionable.
dignitas/bozar (i think thats his name) is one of the big tm players as far as i know =]

but the other things are a joke
bozar quit tmn after he played a lan final from home and lost 60000€ RLY
lol nice

i know him cuz when i wanted to set up the cdap|devictus team, he wanted to trail "tomorrow i play the nc final and then i quit tm forever... tm is too easy game for me"

and ET wasnt his game tbh :P
but seriously, he is not top tmn player even if he was quite good.
Trackmania actually is a very cool game :)
and it's free
cpl @ no cs gg
i lol'd at cpl :)
ah fu bo
True they really fuckt up thouse things. There will be like 5 years old playeing a guitar or playing some pokemon game on cpl ;) :D
There's your mainstream.
ye, i loled irl when a friend told me that:D

HAHAHAHA GUITAR HERO FIGHT NIGHT FEAR WORLD IN CONFLICT D;D;DD;D;D;DD;;D; GG @ making gaming more mainstream! Let every bum get to play @ CPL :DDDD
At least we can consider ourselves to be players from times when there was real skill needed to play in tournaments with thousands of dollars as cash for the winner:). And when skill meant something and when games were about skill:D
While I agree that the selection of games is something ranging from a bit silly to really strange via totally retarded, do you really think they require no skill?

Honestly, do you believe that a nub could pick up FEAR or Guitar Hero and play it as well as someone who pracced 6 hours a day and was naturally talented (skilled) at it? Just because it's maybe looking for a different type of skill doesn't mean it isn't looking for it.

Logically, from the point of view of the game developers and sponsors, they want to see games that the viewing public (the spectators, who spend money on the sponsors' products and thus finance these events) can more easily relate to. Hence why the WSVG game list seems to make perfect sense to me, even if I don't like it.

The CPL list, however, gives the impression that (once again) the game publishers are pushing games that nobody really wants to play in competition at all for the sake of game sales rather than sponsors' merchandise - they're not even massively popular, afaik.This isn't the way things should be done, imo. It's self destructive in the long term as it doesn't allow a proper coherant spectator base for a given game to develop and, thus, precludes the CPL from taking advantage of that base in future events.
Same with ESL and EA. EA is giving a massive amount of money to the ESL for having C&C3 and BF2142 as a Pro Series Game...

The ladder activity of BF2142 is about 0,2 matches a day. 20 teams in the infantery ladder. A conquest ladder which is the format BF is usually played does not even exist due to the low activity. Even BF2 has a more active community.

We'll see what the future brings BUT atm I think eSports will be destroyed by publishers wanting their new not even competion-ready games played instead of perfect online games such as CS, WC3, CoD and Quake...
get et into it! xD

Pokemon tbfh
This are the only games no-one earns money in, so the CPL who wasted all their sponsors dont have to invest too much in it
im glad that enemy territory isnt nowhere mentioned :))
wow, i care so much

im a carebear!
best one ...
wow 3on3 .. pls like i want to see that nerds on a big lan :s
lol what has counterstrike, wc3 and q4 got to do there ffs?
- Guitar Hero II (1on1)

lol ^^
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