Clanbase Hosted Cups

Don't you just love the new clanbase cup system? Few days ago I was mixing and I ended up playing Bremen with the old xp config. Boy getting 60 bullets as a medic really pwned :P

Nxm cup#3 has supply in mappool. Dont you love it? Mmm, maybe not. But that's the point. Anybody could organize a cup with their 'ideal' ET. Want to go oldschool? Remove the hitsounds? Bring back proning? Just host your own cup.

I see a lot of these hosted cups failing, but some will grow big. In the end we the community have a chance to make ET what we really want. I really hope people will start organizing their own cups. Successfully cups could bring innovation or keep what we already got.

<3 cb, great job
ps: keep the CB config, but maybe its time EC started using the global config (fps, maxpackets, mg changes - read pro competition changes)
cg_teamChatsOnly 1
echo ^3WHINE OFF
bind n "toggle cg_teamchatsonly"

no echo tho =(
bind F6 "vstr cfgtog"
set cfgtog "vstr cfg1"
set cfg1 "vstr clanwar; set cfgtog vstr cfg2"
set cfg2 "vstr public; set cfgtog vstr cfg1"

set clanwar "cg_autoAction 7; seta cg_complaintPopUp 0; cg_noVoiceChats 0; set rate 25000; echo ^0clanwar config"

set public "cg_autoAction 0; cg_complaintPopUp 1; cg_noVoiceChats 1; set rate 25000; echo ^0public config"
why would u have complaints showing at public?
to give every bastard who dared to killrevive him, -3 xp!
to seperate the complaints from the votes
you dont need to see complaint popup. have it off and still, when you want to give complaint, simply press f1 and it will work :P
I know, but sometimes I complain accidently when I vote, so now I know for sure what I press f1 for.
fps: 43 - 125 Maxpackets: 100 Rate: 25000 Remove: Heavy Weapons - Panzer stays in
Maplist: - braundorf_b4 - bremen_b1 - frostbite - radar - sw_goldrush_te - sw_oasis_whatevertheversionis
remove that fucking bdorf it sucks so fucking polish hard.
Oasis is even worse. Need a new, good map.
a big showcup could be nice
urtier's idea to play with xp config, I voted !
i support this
b_hitsounds 0 FTW
good point, too many people using hitsounds to track the enemy
not your problem what method i am using lol?
wanna bet that a lot of people lose their aim when hitsounds are forced off?
i dont argue about that. i just dont understand why we should take it off. If everyone is used to hitsounds (using them for xx years), thats normal that it feels strange without hitsounds and therefore playing worse.
exactly, that would bring out the real aimers :)
The quick cups at cb can last 2 weeks tops. That sux tbh
what will happen if cup is not yet ended? e.g. semi-finals phase? :D
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