Need french opinion

Hi frenchies,

Could you give me your opinion about the film: jeux d'enfants (in french ofc)

Merci en avance <3
very nice movie, a bit melo but marion cottilard is so friggin cute :)

and no i wont make your french homework ;)
:( :( :( :(
la haine is n1 french movie
C'est d'accord mon avis. Mais je suis anglais..
what about french ppl those days ? :x
i think , they think that they rule the world ... O.o wow lots of T's
bonne jour ma dame pourrez-je avoir du le croissant si vous plez ?
biain çure meussieu
very nice movie, really touching!
i liked the sexscenes with that kid
Nice movie :> Btw nice french skills :D
say d'l'as baune mouvie an tou k c'ay frai kelé trau soupra baune la puette du filme !i!i!
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