Lineup Changes.....

I cant seem to be keeping up with the recent number of lineup changes to some of the top teams in ET..

I know kris and fobje have left polar, with kris joining aux, so whats aux lineup now?

What is the v&e-4i lineup since they had some departures as well?

On top of that, who do you think polar will recruit to fill in these spots?

and what about zP?

Also, TLR and more importantly Dignitas have shown the importance of stability as a result for success in this game, this unstability will do these EC teams no good
Norway kris joined aux

polar will recruit kupari and taz
Lepari is inactive, but razz will be joining them... so too syK/sqzz i heard...

edit: nvm

Turkey Fatih ( fireBall )
Poland Patryk ( gotti )
Finland Harri ( Iron )
Belgium Kevin ( Kevin )
England Mike ( Sheep )
Switzerland Antonio ( vegi )[/hide]
this rly makes me sad :(
Good questions. Time will tell, I guess.
Mr. Nexus 2K7 Germany _shy at Sweden zeroPoint! gaming
and it's v&e, not v&e - 4i!
it was v&e - #stfu? but since almost all the finnish guys are gone, u can call it with whatever lowskilled names u can come up with.
no fin - no win
true, yet so sad for vae :(
gl fireball and vae with new lineup ! <3
danke ! 8]
QuoteAlso, TLR and more importantly Dignitas have shown the importance of stability as a result for success in this game, this unstability will do these EC teams no good

lol? both of these teams have had major lineup changes in the past
well he's talking about this eurocup and you're talking about the past.
didnt both these teams have lineup changes before a eurocup also - and yet still did well?
yes they have, but they played together before in various teams
Not really. Most of us never played with m1lk/mAus/doktor before they joined.
But doktor and m1lk aren't playing with you anymore are they? Besides I was pointing to dignitas anyways:)
what Im wondering is how do the paths of fireBall_ and humM3L separate, playing together so long :X
first change we've had ever
apart from putting clanleader aeq backup and recruiting xylos you mean? :D

oh and also future... and logic...
ok 2nd change we ever had! :D

future logic were only playing properly at the beginning when there was still sock in it :P
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