polar etc etc

what happened last night? heard some rumors of phobeus and kris being kicked, and why?
pls more journals \o/
too low
so, which guys exactly left and which cam in?
razz & sqzz joined
Read the other 20 journals about it instead of making a new one, please. -,-
kris joined Auxilia
razz joined Polar

fobje got kicked too
dno who will replace him, i hope pumu (((((((x
i have no idea what all the fuss is about
wrm is kris & fobje gekicked of zijn ze geleaved ? ;o
(21:37:22) (polar`perfoboy) but the main reason was that you were not really giving the full potential to us
excuses, though if i would need to get rid of you, i would tell the same 8(
recruit me imo! :-] ill teach you some surfing moves!!! Cowabunga
achja gL after all Polartjes
sqzz will never be fully active :) you will see it
its kinda funny because why would any team with aspirations to do well offline as well as online take razz?

I mean the summer is coming so there is every chance that sqzz will be active but Polar will want to do well at cpc3 and to do that they will need to keep the same lineup for some time but its so obvious that 15 year old razz will never go to cpc3 which means they will be playing with a merc again.....
razz will leave soon anyway
gl gavin !
razz is such a clanhopper
perfo left polar and he's now playing for krp
Um who did u hear that off?, I dont think so m8, he was playin last night with us anyway :P

and this was pointed to what?
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