EuroCup Lineups

» ClanBase EuroCup Group A

Finland Insignia Cadre
Finland auron (not in main)
Finland chmpp
Finland kmble
Finland lettu
Finland MulSu
Finland Squall
Finland twidi

United Kingdom dignitas
Slovenia JaKaZc
Estonia Night
Estonia r3vers
Estonia RELOAd
Germany senji
Ireland sol (not in main)
Germany urtier

United Kingdom one.soldier
Netherlands BuLL
Belgium lio
Netherlands overboost
Belgium mesq
Belgium snot (not in main)
Belgium vila (not in main)
Belgium zeto
Belgium ziff

Sweden Ultimate Conspiracy
Sweden jonas
Sweden kiitos
Sweden Nils
Sweden nordaN
Sweden NuggaN
Sweden tornis
Sweden wizzel (not in main)

» ClanBase EuroCup Group B

Sweden zeroPoint! Gaming
Germany butchji
Switzerland gifty
Germany Hatred
Germany keran
Austria potter
Germany shy

United Kingdom AuxiliA
Sweden blaze
Sweden eddie
Norway Gjerry
Russia humM3L
Netherlands kris
Norway Snuble

Europe retroactive
Italy Asdino
Austria Kan0wne
Italy LoTHaR
Italy Mamalukes
Austria sick
Italy vegeta
Austria xet

Poland Fear Factory.X-Fi
Poland JC
Poland r1co
Poland S4rna
Poland sMi
Poland wiesiek
Poland Wrobel

» ClanBase EuroCup Group C

Europe polar eSports
Netherlands perfo
Scotland razz
Germany sNoOp
Wales sqzz
Malta toxic
Italy XyLoS

United Kingdom The Last Resort eSports
Croatia aCoZz
Latvia Clown
Belgium dAv1d
Czech Republic marv
Belgium mAus
Spain Winghaven

Finland Incomplete
Finland Matias
Finland Raptor
Finland Reikkeri
Finland Sanda
Finland Spirea
Finland Stuka

Netherlands Morrigu
Netherlands Efax
Netherlands Kitty
Netherlands Leonneke
Netherlands N30
Netherlands rocky
Netherlands Wesbo

» ClanBase EuroCup Group D

Croatia elite
Hungary CS4f1
Austria day_
Croatia frozz
Hungary future
Estonia intact
Czech Republic teente
Hungary Us4rmy

United Kingdom Impact Gaming
Netherlands M1lk
Finland mystic
England Mztik (not in main)
Finland Raveneye
Netherlands teKoa
Finland Tiigeri
Finland Xpaz

Europe K1ck eSports
Netherlands abort
Estonia asd-
Netherlands bullvox
Germany chaoz
Switzerland GuNnEr
Netherlands Lightning
Germany zerender

Germany vicious and evil
Turkey fireBall_
Poland gotti
Finland Iron
Belgium Kevin
England Sheep
Switzerland vegi

Afaik that's it!
wtf at polar :D
wtf at cpc?
wheres fobje ;o[
nice teams :O
humm3l still @auxillia ?
Where is ALIS ?
GL CS4f1, future, Us4rmy, sqzz and all.
nice journal :O i'm proud of you kliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijz
Very nice kliiiiijz :)

Can you tell me if Lepari and phobje are still cless?
lepari is back-up for vae

waarom zoek je nieuwe clan? :D </3 KKC?
Omdat het te vaak 4v6 of 5v6 is tijdens offis, en omdat er zo weinig volk komt opdagen voor te praccen.
KKC recruit ... :o
omg thats unfair, retroactive and elite got 7 players in main lineup! xD
are you really laughing?
r u rly blind? :)
poor sense of humor you got
spielen nicht, einer inaktiv... gl@ec =D
that wont help them
United Kingdom mztik is also part of Impact
what about Finland mikza ?
he's totally inactive afaik per my last conversation with him, still part of the squad but i dont think he is playing ET at the moment
gl Turkey vae|Zidane
NiM (Not in Main)
Finland auron
Ireland sol
Belgium snot
Belgium vila
Sweden wizzel
England Mztik
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