Man Utd vs AC Milan

well... hard to bet coz its true MU has quality football now and very nice attitude BUT... defence will be noob... John O'Shea - Darren Fletcher ( HAHAHA) - Wes Brown - Gabriel I. Heinze

well... Heinze did very nice before his big injury but nowadays he cannot find his old form. O'Shea just like a retard... Fletcher HAHAHA... Brown sometimes good but sometimes he doing things like hmmm...

In all... all depends on the attackers imo. Milan has a very strong defence but MU has the best forwards atm... Cris and Roo will both score imo. + Smith (his attitude is the Europe in the world imo)


Your oppinion?
easy for man utd
what the hell does fletcher in the defense :l
both clubs suck
man 1:1 AC

AC 1:0 man
England 7 - 1 Italy

I hate Gibri , Juve sux
2:1 manu
John O'Shea, best goalkeeper in Europe europe :

watch ^^
@ 5 mins 30. Epic.
manUnited 6-0 like before :p
Chelse-Liverpool tomorrow 0-3
i hope manu will win cuz i hate milan :x
great to see man utd as favourites for tonights game.....

....guess most of you will be disssapointed tonight

MANU wil pwn milan 3:0
Forza Milan!
1-1 with UTD taking it the 2nd leg.
gl milan
manu <3
very easy for manu :/
ManU - Milan 1:1

Milan - ManU 2:0
Thanks for one united desctop picture <3
First 1-0
Second 0-0

ManU get to the final with totaly 1-0.

Fletcher is an allrounder who plays with an huge calm!

BTW link me to the site you got the lineups!
trevize are you retarded? :O

Fletcher is like uberownage ;/ O'Shea certainly are good enough, I agree on heinze tho and WesBrown is skilled =)
milan will win it for sure!!!!!
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