Trailer lio&mesq

Coming, summer of 2007 !

Plz post your opinion
lio owned, maar mesq een beetje meer.
at my pc sounds arent that great but dunno aat other , but the frags are nice
because of the shitty own3d mirror, it compresses everything :).
What is "shitty" at the mirror ? It works, and you have a preview. Only the streams are compressed so that everyone can watch it with mid-inet. Next time when there is a 500 mb video, you will be happy to have a preview instead of download 500mb of bullshit in your eyes :)

Anyway, download for full quality.
tyvm btw you saved me loads of time and space already :o]
Even whit a registration i can only come up in like 80-110 kb/s but from other uppload sites with out limit its like 700-800 kb/s
Yes thats because of the traffic limit (1 terrabyte) - we will soon change our provider to offer 100mbit the whole month long ...
The sound is shit.
Yeah sorry, I meant the video stream :).
pfffuw :p good good :) then its not my headset ;)
more hs plz....
will be fun to watch imo
lol, that sucked
zeig mal was vom nd movie :O)
cancell0red fürs erste :o[
wir willen den ND movie sehen hurensohn
nice headshots
lio!!<3 , mesq :x
nothing special tbh :x
netlimiter: Out of the way?
screen is lagging, or are it the players?
quality wasn't special, looked like heavy hsl-adjust to me (ugly shit)
the font was bad (you could see a _ above th You killed ...) and the screens were prolly recorded in a non-widescreen resolution :l
I guess the players are lagging since they are playing with maxpackets 40 etc.
That's just zeto. :P
the font wasnt too bad, they just didnt manage to use the uv Moviemaker right
that's what i mean :P
download crashed
frags seem fine, music and cams are just getting old..
looks good
nice, but ugly font imo
aimbot!!! :DDDDD

nice hs scenes =)
seems nice :)
i lauged at the panzer on supply, if the axis wasnt sideraping you the rocket would have it the pillar in front i think :p
frags where nice , didn't like the config / font though.
useless and shit intro, ugly fonts, shit music, frags were good
it was kinda unsync`ed
whats wrong whit .rar this days
stop using those immediate songs
add uv MovieMaker to used tools, and learn how to use it. ( Cropping )
thought I saw trailer from MesQ1 already, where is the movie?
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