virus problem

yee i see that my vent isnt working couz of my McAffe Virus Scan..and my mIRC doesent work either...if i disable it is not good but i need to do it if i want to connect to mIRC / Vent

anyone uses that virusscna device and if he does tell me what to do to shut down this problem

p.s.: mcaffe best virusscanner ever
Die, we dont care.
i got mcaffe, but it realy seems to suck, hard
ZAKAj sploh uporabljas fking anti virus ?
just open the program's ports mcaffee blocks

and btw, mcaffee is one of the worst virusscanners ever
years ago it used to be good, but then others came...
read the tests, mcaffee mostly takes the lower positions in comparison to the other virusscanners (even AVG-free is better)
its fine 4 me
norton is the best no?
norton is rather good, but eats a lot of your processor. I suggest AVG or AVG Free...
meu sm jst mcaffe pa mi je lepo delu np
nod32 ftw.
firewall only
pazi da ne bos kaksnega virusa staknu na simpatijah k mas tko lepe slikce!

its not a virus problem then omg
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