Quality engine hack thingy ma bob

Does anyone know how, where, when, wh...?

The hack used in the begning of kris et movie 2, and the Red Green Blue by wolfshurtz (is it?) any1know were to get it...?

me wants to paly with it :>

with my 1337 3d1t0r 5/<1llz
WHAT the FUCK are you talking aboet.
its not a hack, its called bump map effect in vegas
Its actually a opengl hack afaik (at least the shadows, dunno about the bump map) and i strongly doubt you can play with that
not like that :S

I mean test it, use it for a few clips
Quoteme wants to paly with it :>

Lead me to think differently, sorry, but if it was public i knew about it i think :o]
i meant the bump map only, not the shadows
Yea, as I said I'm not sure about that. That would be pretty cheap tbfh
well tbh i though they both came as 1 didn't relise it was a vegas effect as well. did wonder how a hack/mod could change the textures though (to look bumpy)
I don't believe Magarine used Vegas for the Bump map effect :)

is currently down.

Maybe you can find them on IRC.
prolly not for a long time, cuz its more important to get attention by hundreds of irc pms, than to increase the possibility of really nice movies coming out
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