
The clan Europe pingwins who recently joined multi gaming clan Portugal K1ck eSports as the European ET Division have recently added a new player to there lineup!

Name: asd-
Country: Estonia Estonia
Age: 17

Germany Team - Helix
Europe Rewind
Estonia kujuneb
Estonia Team Estonia
Europe Team-ND
Europe dMiZE
Belgium cZar
Belgium violence is bad
Europe el vigorZ

with Europe Team-ND: ClanBase EuroCup XIII
with Europe Team-ND: Warleagues Premier Season 6
with Estonia Team Estonia: Nationscup IX
with Estonia #pwn-team: CB 3v3 Opencup Fall 2005 Premier

LAN Experience:
Netherlands Crossfire PrizeFight I with Europe dMiZE
Netherlands Crossfire PrizeFight II with Europe el vigorZ

Portugal K1ck eSports European Division is now:
Netherlands abort
Estonia asd-
Netherlands bullvox
Germany chaoz
Switzerland GuNnEr
Netherlands Lightning (c)
Germany zerender

The EuroCup Lineups journal has been updated.

Good luck & Have fun in Portugal K1ck eSports European Division, Estonia asd-!
gl k1ck-asd` ;)
nicely presented :P
gl gunner & asd :D
will asd be backup or someone else?
I heard chaoz is going inactive or something
Gl k1ck!
my steelpad suddenly went electric and is now collecting all lots of dust n shiat WTF! :S
<3 matuman
Uma thurman ? Mature man ?
gl asd ! !!!!
go asd! :o]
gld asd :)
n1 insider infos you have
gl asd, nice and skilled palyer!!
You must kick asd.
2najs for a journal :D gl asd
Martin sux :p
Gl asd and k1ck Europe Squad
gL meightZ.
"other news" imo :)

gl K1ck pingwins!

Quoteyea i deleted pak0.pk3 , ups .

good luck asd, lightning, zerender :)
hf martin! :-d
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