
Hi, I'm bored so I'm gonna post all the scripts I've acquired over my 3 years playing. And by acquired I mean stolen, added different colours in the echo's and added a few more options to. Most of you will probably already know all of these and probably know how to make more efficient ones, but care.

// FpsToggle
set fps41 "echo FPS 41! ^6Magic number ; seta com_maxfps 41; set switch_fps vstr fps43"
set fps43 "echo FPS 43! ^dStable number ; seta com_maxfps 43; set switch_fps vstr fps76"
set fps76 "echo FPS 76! ^dStable number ; seta com_maxfps 76; set switch_fps vstr fps83"
set fps83 "echo FPS 83! ^6Magic number ; seta com_maxfps 83; set switch_fps vstr fps100"
set fps100 "echo FPS 100! ^dStable number ; seta com_maxfps 100; set switch_fps vstr fps120"
set fps120 "echo FPS 120! ^6Magic number ; seta com_maxfps 120; set switch_fps vstr fps125"
set fps125 "echo FPS 125! ^dStable number ; seta com_maxfps 125; set switch_fps vstr fps140"
set fps140 "echo FPS 140! ^6Magic number ; seta com_maxfps 140; set switch_fps vstr fps166"
set fps166 "echo FPS 166! ^2Half spread number ; seta com_maxfps 166; set switch_fps vstr fps170"
set fps170 "echo FPS 170! ^6Magic number ; seta com_maxfps 170; set switch_fps vstr fps250"
set fps250 "echo FPS 250! ^2Zero spread number ; seta com_maxfps 250; set switch_fps vstr fps333"
set fps333 "echo FPS 333! ^5Trickjump number ; seta com_maxfps 333; set switch_fps vstr fps41"
set switch_fps "vstr fps125"
bind "F4" "vstr switch_fps" //pressing "F4" lets me cycle thru com_maxfps

[Stolen from a spanish mate of mine, quite simply you press F4 and it switches them for you. I took the liberty of adding the "benefit" each number of fps brings, magic numbers are those found experimentally that bring the biggest movement benefit or something, also keep in mind you need 125hz on your mouse to exploit the spread bug, my computer can do a maximum of 125fps stable, so I can't use it :((]

// FovToggle
set fov1 "cg_fov 90 ; sensitivity 1.26 ; cg_crosshairsize 25 ; cg_drawgun 1 ; cg_drawcrosshair 5 ; set fovx vstr fov2"
set fov2 "cg_fov 101 ; sensitivity 1.4 ; cg_crosshairsize 35 ; cg_drawgun 1 ; cg_drawcrosshair 5 ; set fovx vstr fov1"
set fovx "vstr fov1"
bind MWHEELDOWN vstr "fovx"

[Stolen from a english mate of mine, back when fov toggles were bold and new! These days everyone has one -.- Although apparently these are calculated to be equivalent (90 fov + 1.26 sens = 101 fov + 1.4 sens)]

// Class-Script
set classengi "vstr classengi1"
set classengi1 "vstr classrecycle; class e 1; set classengi vstr classengi2; say_team ^7engineer^0-^7smg"
set classengi2 "class e 2; set classengi vstr classengi1; say_team ^7engineer^0-^7rifle"
set classfieldop "vstr classrecycle; class f 1; say_team ^7fieldops"
set classsoldier "vstr classsoldier1"
set classsoldier1 "vstr classrecycle; class s 4; set classsoldier vstr classsoldier2; say_team ^7panzanewb"
set classsoldier2 "class s 5; set classsoldier vstr classsoldier3; say_team ^7mortar"
set classsoldier3 "class s 2; set classsoldier vstr classsoldier4; say_team ^7mg42"
set classsoldier4 "class s 3; set classsoldier vstr classsoldier1; say_team ^7flamer"
set classmedic "vstr classrecycle; class m 1; say_team ^7medic"
set classcovop "vstr classcovop1"
set classcovop1 "vstr classrecycle; class c 3; set classcovop vstr classcovop2; say_team ^7cov^0-^7sniper"
set classcovop2 "class c 2; set classcovop vstr classcovop3; say_team ^7cov^0-^7fg"
set classcovop3 "class c 1; set classcovop vstr classcovop1; say_team ^7cov^0-^7sten"
set classrecycle "set classengi vstr classengi1; set classcovop vstr classcovop1; set classsoldier vstr classsoldier1"

[Stolen from rat, but care, again everyone has one of these and merely posting this will annoy most people. If it annoys you, then good]

// Crosshair Changer
bind KP_HOME "vstr crosschange" // This is the bind you change
bind KP_PGUP "vstr crosssetting" // This is the bind you change
set crosshaircolor0 "cg_crosshairColor black; echo ^7[^eB^0lack ^eC^0rosshair^7]; set crosschange vstr crosshaircolor1"
set crosshaircolor1 "cg_crosshairColor red; echo ^7[^_R^1ed ^_C^1rosshair^7]; set crosschange vstr crosshaircolor2"
set crosshaircolor2 "cg_crosshairColor green; echo ^7[^gG^2reen ^gC^2rosshair^7]; set crosschange vstr crosshaircolor3"
set crosshaircolor3 "cg_crosshairColor yellow; echo ^7[^8Y^3ellow ^8C^3rosshair^7]; set crosschange vstr crosshaircolor4"
set crosshaircolor4 "cg_crosshairColor blue; echo ^7[^>B^4lue ^>C^4rosshair^7]; set crosschange vstr crosshaircolor5"
set crosshaircolor5 "cg_crosshairColor cyan; echo ^7[^dC^5yan ^dC^5rosshair^7]; set crosschange vstr crosshaircolor6"
set crosshaircolor6 "cg_crosshairColor magenta; echo ^7[^eP^6ink ^eC^6rosshair^7]; set crosschange vstr crosshaircolor7"
set crosshaircolor7 "cg_crosshairColor white; echo ^7[^9W^7hite ^9C^7rosshair^7]; set crosschange vstr crosshaircolor8"
set crosshaircolor8 "cg_crosshairColor orange; echo ^7[^+O^8range ^+C^8rosshair^7]; set crosschange vstr crosshaircolor9"
set crosshaircolor9 "cg_crosshairColor 0xa0c0ff; echo ^7[^4L^dight^7-^4B^dlue ^4C^drosshair^7]; set crosschange vstr crosshaircolor10"
set crosshaircolor10 "cg_crosshairColor 0xa0ffc0; echo ^7[^2L^gight^7-^2G^green ^2C^grosshair^7]; set crosschange vstr crosshaircolor11"
set crosshaircolor11 "cg_crosshairColor dkgrey; echo ^7[^0D^9ark^7-^0G^9rey ^0C^9rosshair^7]; set crosschange vstr crosshaircolor12"
set crosshaircolor12 "cg_crosshairColor mdred; echo ^7[^1M^_edium^7-^1R^_ed ^1C^_rosshair^7]; set crosschange vstr crosshaircolor0"
set crosshaircolor0a "cg_crosshairColorAlt black; echo ^7[^eB^0lack ^eC^0rosshair^7]; set crosschange vstr crosshaircolor1a"
set crosshaircolor1a "cg_crosshairColorAlt red; echo ^7[^_R^1ed ^_C^1rosshair^7]; set crosschange vstr crosshaircolor2a"
set crosshaircolor2a "cg_crosshairColorAlt green; echo ^7[^gG^2reen ^gC^2rosshair^7]; set crosschange vstr crosshaircolor3a"
set crosshaircolor3a "cg_crosshairColorAlt yellow; echo ^7[^8Y^3ellow ^8C^3rosshair^7]; set crosschange vstr crosshaircolor4a"
set crosshaircolor4a "cg_crosshairColorAlt blue; echo ^7[^>B^4lue ^>C^4rosshair^7]; set crosschange vstr crosshaircolor5a"
set crosshaircolor5a "cg_crosshairColorAlt cyan; echo ^7[^dC^5yan ^dC^5rosshair^7]; set crosschange vstr crosshaircolor6a"
set crosshaircolor6a "cg_crosshairColorAlt magenta; echo ^7[^eP^6ink ^eC^6rosshair^7]; set crosschange vstr crosshaircolor7a
set crosshaircolor7a "cg_crosshairColorAlt white; echo ^7[^9W^7hite ^9C^7rosshair^7]; set crosschange vstr crosshaircolor8a"
set crosshaircolor8a "cg_crosshairColorAlt orange; echo ^7[^+O^8range ^+C^8rosshair^7]; set crosschange vstr crosshaircolor9a"
set crosshaircolor9a "cg_crosshairColorAlt 0xa0c0ff; echo ^7[^4L^dight^7-^4B^dlue ^4C^drosshair^7]; set crosschange vstr crosshaircolor10a"
set crosshaircolor10a "cg_crosshairColorAlt 0xa0ffc0; echo ^7[^2L^gight^7-^2G^green ^2C^grosshair^7]; set crosschange vstr crosshaircolor11a"
set crosshaircolor11a "cg_crosshairColorAlt dkgrey; echo ^7[^0D^9ark^7-^0G^9rey ^0C^9rosshair^7]; set crosschange vstr crosshaircolor12a"
set crosshaircolor12a "cg_crosshairColorAlt mdred; echo ^7[^1M^_edium^7-^1R^_ed ^1C^_rosshair^7]; set crosschange vstr crosshaircolor0a"
set crosshairstyle0 "cg_drawcrosshair 0; echo ^0[^_C^1rosshair ^_S^1tyle ^31^0]; set crosschange vstr crosshairstyle1"
set crosshairstyle1 "cg_drawcrosshair 1; echo ^0[^_C^1rosshair ^_S^1tyle ^32^0]; set crosschange vstr crosshairstyle2"
set crosshairstyle2 "cg_drawcrosshair 2; echo ^0[^_C^1rosshair ^_S^1tyle ^33^0]; set crosschange vstr crosshairstyle3"
set crosshairstyle3 "cg_drawcrosshair 3; echo ^0[^_C^1rosshair ^_S^1tyle ^34^0]; set crosschange vstr crosshairstyle4"
set crosshairstyle4 "cg_drawcrosshair 4; echo ^0[^_C^1rosshair ^_S^1tyle ^35^0]; set crosschange vstr crosshairstyle5"
set crosshairstyle5 "cg_drawcrosshair 5; echo ^0[^_C^1rosshair ^_S^1tyle ^36^0]; set crosschange vstr crosshairstyle6"
set crosshairstyle6 "cg_drawcrosshair 6; echo ^0[^_C^1rosshair ^_S^1tyle ^37^0]; set crosschange vstr crosshairstyle7"
set crosshairstyle7 "cg_drawcrosshair 7; echo ^0[^_C^1rosshair ^_S^1tyle ^38^0]; set crosschange vstr crosshairstyle8"
set crosshairstyle8 "cg_drawcrosshair 8; echo ^0[^_C^1rosshair ^_S^1tyle ^39^0]; set crosschange vstr crosshairstyle9"
set crosshairstyle9 "cg_drawcrosshair 9; echo ^0[^_C^1rosshair ^_S^1tyle ^310^0]; set crosschange vstr crosshairstyle10"
set crosshairstyle10 "cg_drawcrosshair 10; echo ^0[^_C^1rosshair ^_S^1tyle ^311^0]; set crosschange vstr crosshairstyle11"
set crosshairstyle11 "cg_drawcrosshair 11; echo ^0[^_C^1rosshair ^_S^1tyle ^312^0]; set crosschange vstr crosshairstyle12"
set crosshairstyle12 "cg_drawcrosshair 12; echo ^0[^_C^1rosshair ^_S^1tyle ^313^0]; set crosschange vstr crosshairstyle13"
set crosshairstyle13 "cg_drawcrosshair 13; echo ^0[^_C^1rosshair ^_S^1tyle ^314^0]; set crosschange vstr crosshairstyle14"
set crosshairstyle14 "cg_drawcrosshair 14; echo ^0[^_C^1rosshair ^_S^1tyle ^315^0]; set crosschange vstr crosshairstyle15"
set crosshairstyle15 "cg_drawcrosshair 15; echo ^0[^_C^1rosshair ^_S^1tyle ^316^0]; set crosschange vstr crosshairstyle0"
set crosssize01 "seta cg_crosshairSize 25; echo ^0[^2T^7iny ^2C^7rosshair^0]; set crosschange vstr crosssize02"
set crosssize02 "seta cg_crosshairSize 35; echo ^0[^2S^7mall ^2C^7rosshair^0]; set crosschange vstr crosssize03"
set crosssize03 "seta cg_crosshairSize 45; echo ^0[^2M^7edium ^2C^7rosshair^0]; set crosschange vstr crosssize04"
set crosssize04 "seta cg_crosshairSize 55; echo ^0[^2L^7arge ^2C^7rosshair^0]; set crosschange vstr crosssize05"
set crosssize05 "seta cg_crosshairSize 65; echo ^0[^2H^7uge ^2C^7rosshair^0]; set crosschange vstr crosssize01"
set crosssetting "vstr crosssetting00"
set crosssetting00 "set crosschange vstr crosssize01; set crosssetting vstr crosssetting01; echo CrosshairSize"
set crosssetting01 "set crosschange vstr crosshairstyle0; set crosssetting vstr crosssetting02; echo CrosshairStyle"
set crosssetting02 "set crosschange vstr crosshaircolor0; set crosssetting vstr crosssetting03; echo CrosshairColor"
set crosssetting03 "set crosschange vstr crosshaircolor0a; set crosssetting vstr crosssetting00; echo CrosshairAlphaColor"

[One of the few scripts I regularly use! Its basically because I'm lazy, you can change crosshair settings without having to going into the menus. I usually change crosshair colour each game]

// NetSettingsChanger
seta netsetting1 "echo ^2[^d1^&00 ^dm^&axpackets^>...^2]; set rate 25000; set cl_maxpackets 100; set netchange vstr netsetting2"
seta netsetting2 "echo ^2[^d8^&0 ^dm^&axpackets^>...^2]; set rate 25000; set cl_maxpackets 80; set netchange vstr netsetting3"
seta netsetting3 "echo ^2[^d7^&0 ^dm^&axpackets^>...^2]; set rate 25000; set cl_maxpackets 70; set netchange vstr netsetting4"
seta netsetting4 "echo ^2[^d6^&0 ^dm^&axpackets^>...^2]; set rate 25000; set cl_maxpackets 60; set netchange vstr netsetting5"
seta netsetting5 "echo ^2[^d4^&0 ^dm^&axpackets^>...^2]; set rate 25000; set cl_maxpackets 40; set netchange vstr netsetting6"
seta netsetting6 "echo ^2[^dW^&HORE ^dS^&ETTINGS^2] ; set rate 15000; set cl_maxpackets 40; set netchange vstr netsetting1"
set netchange "vstr netsetting1"
bind KP_UPARROW "vstr netchange"

[What can I say, netlaming is fun]

// HitSoundChanger
bind - "vstr hit0"
set hit1 "b_hitsounds 1 ;bind - vstr hit2 ;echo ^7hitsounds: ^2ALL"
set hit2 "b_hitsounds 2 ;bind - vstr hit0 ;echo ^7hitsounds: ^3HEAD"
set hit0 "b_hitsounds 0 ;bind - vstr hit1 ;echo ^7hitsounds: ^1OFF"

[Stolen from Sheeps config I believe, useful! I find when I'm aiming like crap putting hitsounds to head only helps me focus on WHERE I'm aiming, rather than what I'm hitting]

// Drawgun Toggle
set dg1 "echo ^>[^7Drawgun ^11^>]; cg_drawgun 1; set dgx vstr dg2"
set dg2 "echo ^>[^7Drawgun ^10^>]; cg_drawgun 0; set dgx vstr dg1"
set dgx "vstr dg1"
bind j vstr "dgx"

[Haha, hey typing "/cg_drawgun 0" is hard work!]

// pmove_fixed script
set fixedmove1 "pmove_fixed 1; echo ^wPmove Fixed ^2Activated; set p_movetoggle vstr fixedmove0"
set fixedmove0 "pmove_fixed 0; echo ^wPmove Fixed ^1Deactivated; set p_movetoggle vstr fixedmove1"
set p_movetoggle "vstr fixedmove1"
bind KP_5 "vstr p_movetoggle"

[I've never really known the difference between these two, except that sniping is easier with it off! Useful if you're a pubwhore like me]

// Sound volume script
bind "." "vstr volup"
bind "," "vstr voldown"
set vol00 "set s_volume 0.0;set voldown vstr vol00;set volup vstr vol01;echo Volume ^2S^7oundSystem"
set vol01 "set s_volume 0.1;set voldown vstr vol00;set volup vstr vol02;echo Volume ^7S^2o^7undSystem"
set vol02 "set s_volume 0.2;set voldown vstr vol01;set volup vstr vol03;echo Volume ^7So^2u^7ndSystem"
set vol03 "set s_volume 0.3;set voldown vstr vol02;set volup vstr vol04;echo Volume ^7Sou^2n^7dSystem"
set vol04 "set s_volume 0.4;set voldown vstr vol03;set volup vstr vol05;echo Volume ^7Soun^3d^7System"
set vol05 "set s_volume 0.5;set voldown vstr vol04;set volup vstr vol06;echo Volume ^7Sound^3S^7ystem"
set vol06 "set s_volume 0.6;set voldown vstr vol05;set volup vstr vol07;echo Volume ^7SoundS^3y^7stem"
set vol07 "set s_volume 0.7;set voldown vstr vol06;set volup vstr vol08;echo Volume ^7SoundSy^1s^7tem"
set vol08 "set s_volume 0.8;set voldown vstr vol07;set volup vstr vol09;echo Volume ^7SoundSys^1t^7em"
set vol09 "set s_volume 0.9;set voldown vstr vol08;set volup vstr vol10;echo Volume ^7SoundSyst^1e^7m"
set vol10 "set s_volume 1.0;set voldown vstr vol09;set volup vstr vol10;echo Volume ^7SoundSyste^1m"
set volup "vstr vol05"
set voldown "vstr vol05"

[Stolen from loekino's config, extremely useful! Saved my ears a lot of pain]

// Stats script
set stats1 "+stats; +topshots; bind ALT vstr stats2"
set stats2 "-topshots; -stats; bind ALT vstr stats1"
bind ALT "vstr stats1"

[Think I stole the idea from Varma's config, just because I'm lazy, but also a statwhore]

// Crouch script
set crouch1 "+movedown; bind capslock vstr crouch2"
set crouch2 "-movedown; bind capslock vstr crouch1"
bind capslock "vstr crouch1"

[I couldn't use it, never got the hang of it, but I'm posting it here anyway]

// m_pitch script
set pitch1 "seta m_pitch 0.020; echo ^6[^7m_pitch 0.020^6]; set ptchswtch vstr pitch2; play sound/menu/select.wav"
set pitch2 "seta m_pitch 0.016; echo ^6[^7m_pitch 0.016^6]; set ptchswtch vstr pitch1; play sound/menu/select.wav"
set ptchswtch "vstr pitch1"
bind z "vstr ptchswtch"

[Whats the point you say? Well I set it to 0.020 for maps like oasis, and set it to 0.016 for maps like braundorf]

// Maps
seta supplyy "set mappz callvote map supply ; seta maptog vstr swgrush ; echo ^3[^7Supply^3]"
seta swgrush "set mappz callvote map sw_goldrush_te ; seta maptog vstr braun ; echo ^8[^7SW Goldrush^8]"
seta braun "set mappz callvote map braundorf_b4 ; seta maptog vstr swoas ; echo ^1[^7Braundorf^1]"
seta swoas "set mappz callvote map sw_oasis_b3 ; seta maptog vstr radar ; echo ^2[^7SW Oasis^2]"
seta radar "set mappz callvote map radar ; seta maptog vstr ice ; echo ^5[^7Radar^5]"
seta ice "set mappz callvote map et_ice ; seta maptog vstr frost ; echo ^4[^7Ice^4]"
seta frost "set mappz callvote map frostbite ; seta maptog vstr adler ; echo ^e[^7Frostbite^e]"
seta adler "set mappz callvote map adlernest ; seta maptog vstr supplyy ; echo ^0[^7Adlernest B7^0]"
set maptog "vstr supplyy"
bind 9 "vstr maptog" // This key chooses a map
bind 0 "vstr mappz" // This key calls the vote for it

[Another lazy script to avoid the terror that is the options menu]

// Quit script (why not? :D)
set quit1 "echo ^d[^5Quit?^d] ; play sound/menu/select.wav ; set quitx vstr quit2"
set quit2 "echo ^d[^5Really? ^6:O^d] ; play sound/menu/select.wav ; set quitx vstr quit3"
set quit3 "quit ; play sound/menu/select.wav ; set quitx vstr quit1"
set quitx "vstr quit1"
bind backspace "vstr quitx"

[Press backspace 3 times to quit! Useful for ego quitting or making a sarcastic insult then fleeing the server before anyone gets a chance to make a comeback]

// Trick jump script
bind c "+forward; +sprint; wait 10; +moveup; -sprint; wait 30; -moveup; wait 100; -forward"

[Stolen from meez's config I think, helps you do certain trickjumps. Even with this I still can't do the east rock trickjump on supply, but thats because I'm lolskill]

// Guids script
bind f10 "clear; wait 10; guids; wait 100; condump guids.txt; echo ^5[^7Guids^5-^7Taken^5]"

[When typing in "/guids" then "/condump fkinfakinwhores.txt" is too much effort]

// Spawn script
seta spawn1 "setspawnpt 0; echo ^7spawn point 1; set spawnchange vstr spawn2"
seta spawn2 "setspawnpt 1; echo ^7spawn point 2; set spawnchange vstr spawn3"
seta spawn3 "setspawnpt 2; echo ^7spawn point 3; set spawnchange vstr spawn4"
seta spawn4 "setspawnpt 3; echo ^7spawn point 4; set spawnchange vstr spawn5"
seta spawn5 "setspawnpt 4; echo ^7spawn point 5; set spawnchange vstr spawn6"
seta spawn6 "setspawnpt 5; echo ^7spawn point 6; set spawnchange vstr spawn1"
set spawnchange "vstr spawn1"
bind o "vstr spawnchange"

[For those who don't have a proper spawn script, this is "ok"]

// Lame Speed Strafe

bind Mouse1 "+vstr mouse_a mouse_b"
set mouse_a "+attack; +sprint"
set mouse_b "-attack; -sprint"

[You sprint when you shoot, hrhr, I'm more of a crouch whore so don't use it]

// Mouse accel script
set mshoot1 "+attack; cl_mouseAccel 0"
set mshoot2 "-attack; cl_mouseAccel 0.01"
set mshoot0 "bind MOUSE1 +vstr mshoot1 mshoot2"
bind MOUSE1 "+vstr mshoot1 mshoot2"

[I made it thinking it would help my movement speed, unfortunately it caused instability in my aim so I stopped using it, although it did help my movement speed with the turn jumps etc. If you try this script and it still keeps activating itself after you've removed it, type in "set mshoot0 +attack" and that should kill it]

// DrawgunScript
set gunoff "+attack; cg_drawgun 0; set vstr gunon"
set gunon "-attack; cg_drawgun 1; set vstr gunoff"
bind MOUSE1 "+vstr gunoff gunon"

[Stole it from Sweden boogey, who is long gone from et now :( it shows your gun when not firing, and hides it when you do fire, although its abit weird when using a pistol]

// Fireteam script
bind m "fireteam create; vote no; fireteam inviteall"

[Laziness > all]

Well I hope this has been useful (however unlikely). I do know a few more netlaming scripts too, but I'm not going to promote that type of playing anymore than I already have, and to be perfectly honest it doesn't actually help your playing, you miss them just as much as they miss you, so its all relative. These scripts aren't really ones that increase your gaming ability, rather ones that compensate for your laziness :D

uuuu,sexy grrrrrrrr !
plz pm me with more link / pics!
welcome to the internet
nice scipts, but btw, are u bored?
i need a script to mark all fireteam members
bind 9 "selectbuddy -1" //select all your FT buddies
bind 0 "selectbuddy -2" //De-select all your FT buddies

bind KP_PLUS "selectbuddy -2"
bind PGDN selectbuddy "-2"

stolen from my cfg
stolen from lepari actually :D
N1 being bored :D
Tbh, it would be more usefull for "tah communiteh" if you made this a tutorial or smth (just don't say who you stole it from :P)
olol cant u make such scripts urself?
the most 1s are usless anyway.
I can make them myself just fine, no probs there, it's just that there's noobs out there who don't even know what the console is, so it MIGHT be better for them ;-)
well done ^^
set abuse0 "+attack; com_maxfps 125"
set abuse1 "-attack; com_maxfps 333"
bind mouse1 "+vstr abuse0 abuse1"

this one rox!

bind kp_plus "vstr stopgame"
set stopgame "pause; bind kp_plus "vstr unstopgame""
set unstopgame "unpause; bind kp_plus "vstr stopgame""
ker nub, mors met neke "lag skripte" da loh koga ubijes, joj joj...
nevem ka je kle lag scripta ? zabit v glavo
125 mam ko strela 333 ko strejfam (da lazi strejfam)
pa tisina ce nimas pojma o cfg-jih
ce se zafrkavam :D lol
crosshair changer ? :DDD LOL
perfo met his match
ur pretty lame, I assume :D well actually you said it urself but still lol

bind n toggle cg_drawgun

stolen from my cfg
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