omfg i finished school (almost)

so guys this is like the first time i write in my journal for like 1 year and i know most of u dont even give a shit on the stuff i am about to say but i am just so goddamn happy right now :=)... and maybe someone who still knows me might be happy of knowing i am not dead :>

today i finished the last exam of the german abitur which means i never have to write exams except for the ones at university :p. i hope the reallifing the last year helped me to receive good grades in those exams which doesnt mean that reallifing is over now. tomorrow we will start our 4 days end-of-school trip on which we will be drunk and fucked up like 99.9998% of the time. pretty much like those guys:

anyway all people that dont give a shit about this, me or life in general just ignore this. the few people that knew me while i was an active player and give a fuck about what i wrote be happy with me
nice & congratz, hf getting drGermanyuNk
xylor =)) nice to see ur still alive indeed mate, nice that ur reallifing worked out well for u ;d perhaps i should have thought about doing the same 2 years back :D

anyway, hf @ ur schooltrip <3
u still playin et? :D still in that team with gambit? dont remember the name :/
haha =) not rly mate. I basically stopped 9 months ago or so and i didnt play for 7 months from then, but i kind of got back to playing actively to play offline in copenhagen (SHGopen) and i decided to play just a little longer after that to play at cpc2 also with kih but i definately played my last ETmatch at cpc2 i uninstalled it again already :-)

just playing rtcw sporadically now and thats it
Heh :) GZ!
lucky u:D
University exams = Abitur exams every 6 months :P
mag sein dafür aber nur in dem fach in dem man gut is und net in deutsch oder geschichte :p
ich hab momentan 5 fächer, die alle grundverschieden sind und längst nicht alle spaß machen :/
i got the exams (in austria) next week and then on the beginn of june... then i gonna move to SUMMERSPLASH!

looking foward to the girls... i will drink alk not all the time, i wanna see them all!
I can remember you, you scuba dived in malta right? Congrats on finishing school =)
I loved the pics =)
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