Headset (need your help)

So today i bought a new Logitech USB-Headset, but finaly it isn`t working for me (my PC). If I plug it in @ my fathers Laptop it works really well, so I guess that there is something with my USB-Ports?! Due the fact I have a new PC, I`m a bit confused, because my Razer Diamondback also works on these USB-Ports!

Would be great to get some support & solutions for my problem, thx in advance!
(Note: If the Headset is plugged in, my PC is freezing very often)!
maybe soundcard or smth
install drivers or buy perfoheisers !!!
what about your usb hertz
Headset: 20-20.000 Hz
Mic: 100-16.000 Hz
i mean, the usb hz, did you overclock to 500hz?
nope, just plugged in the headset and the drivers installed automatically.
I don't think you're getting what I mean. :P

Some people tend to play with their mouserate overclocked from 125hz (8ms) to 500hz (2ms) or even higher. If you have overclocked your usb rate of your mouse, you might as well try and underclock it back to 125hz and then plug in your headset again. Because if it works at your dad's laptop (which is most probably using 125hz) and not at your pc (which might be running 500hz usb) this could be one of the problems.
Yeah, I changed it once, now back @ 125Hz, but still no sound...
Man, working now! Big THX for your help! :D:D:D:D:D:D
ask perfo the legend.
u sure they're both usb 2.0 / 1.0?
100% sure

Another fact is, that my speakers workins also really well, just the headset is fucked up, or the USB thingy, but I`m using USB-Ports for another hardware too, so it`s pretty confusing...
Another confusing fact is, that my Mic is somehow working, because I hear everything in my Headset what`s going on in my flat, but somehow I can`t use it on Comms.
did you check the control panel sound setting? maybe it's muted from there.
done, everything oki.
it's what always happens to me :)
gib es einfach mir
ist im gerätemanager bei "usb-controlls" alles iO? bei mir ging anfangs der MP3 player und die externe festplatte nicht weils nicht korrekt installiert war...sollte etwas nicht stimmen is neben der hardware-bezeichnung ein gelbes rufezeichen oder so
ansonsten kA
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