The best ingame leader in ET?

Which players would u guys rate as the best ingame leader you had in ET?

I still havent been able to play in a team with a really good ingame leader.. and i miss it..

Im not an good ingame leader.. that i know after trying to be one a few times.. and it doesnt look like auxilia has anyone else who is good as ingame leading.

I have a feeling United Kingdomsheep is a good one, but i dunno.

What would you guys say?

Who`s the best in leading a team ingame?
United Kingdom yookeg snuggs
sock was nice for on the fly tac changes also
perfo was a good ingameleader in intense esports
Finlandsaintt ?
According to xpaz & raveneye, parodia had no in-game leader, but everyone contributed.
daar kom je anders laat mee! :P
I've heard sheep is good, and Night of course ;p I used to do in game leading myself, but i stopped, as it took too much thought away from the rifle nading =< although saying that, i wasn't exactly very good at it. Oh and United Kingdom Mztik rocks on comms ;p
ALIS 2004: Denmark Innos
Rubber Duckies: Norway Borcster
ALIS 2006: Finland Gaso or Jauhis
coitio: Denmark Blazer
ALIS 2007: NONE... we suck!
SoD! is the best one I played with (almost only one aswell).
Italy SuPrEmO
best ingame leaders i had:

Blazer, Sheep, Kamz, buggs & fazz
That would be Netherlands FrizeN, he always new where the enemy was :D
learn english
Neh, I alredy learned.
then you would know knew would not be with a capital letter in that line, wouldnt you?
true, but capital on when fixing someone.
im fixing someone so I fixed the word in the line
lol, maja hij durft wel die taak op zich te nemen en heeft het naar mijn mening niet slecht gedaan iig
hij is idd niet slecht en het beste die ik tot nu toe heb gehad, dus petje af rhand
idd beste die ik gehad heb

niet dat ik er veel gehad heb, heb eigenljik alleen nog Twinzz en Gonzz gehad maar die 2 zijn beide stress gevallen ^^
ik had laatst zo'n ingame leader die altijd ging schreeuwen als ie dood ging... dus op een gegeven moment mute ik em gewoon... typt ie opeens: listen to me stupid Gnomie

lol, maja dat krijg je met kleine kinders als ingame leader heb ook een keer Twinzz gemute omdat ie ging rappen en ook een keer GonzZ omdat ie maar bleef whinen dat ik kut speelde etc ^^
Mztik, Sheep, Adacore.

Worm is also a great captain, but a crappy aimer. ;D
Ye, what about me :< pfft, we're better than him swine, nvm.
When have you ever played with adacore? :s
Well, even in mixes he tries to give calls. ;D
Ingame leaders are overrated, the best would probably be if everyone helps eachother. One guy can't know it all.
Having one person co-ordinating can help a hell of a lot :x
Everyone coordinating is better :)
Why? If person a says: 'let's push side', and b says: 'let's push main!' who do c d e & f listen to? It causes disorganisation in my opinion. If you have person a as your in game leader, then person a makes the call, which is justified by comms about the positions of others from players b c d e & f, then players b c d e & f simply provide comms and do what they're told, causing less confusion and more organisation. There are various teams who haven't got an in game leader, but it can take practice initally to organise without it, and everyone has to be very cautious on comms for it to work well, but it's rare :(
oh well it works pretty well, you just have to play alot with eachother . It's just a matter of opinions anyways
I remember in the ending days of ALIS in 2004, when we had played together with almost the same lineup for a year. Our comms was relatively silent, only saying where the opponents where, tactics and everything was just so rehearsed that everyone knew what the person next to them was doing at each exact moment.

So in that way, you don't really need an ingame leader.
This is exactly what parodia used, only infos plus general lolling on comms but everyone knew what to do (at that time it didn't take us much to break defences except rushing or someone doing a multikill).
we did/do the same with art and it worked pretty well :P
Partially right there, but an in-game leader can fill the missing pieces of performance you don't get from just teamplay. Edit: missing word.
well it just depends on how you define an ingame leader though, but if you mean telling the team to fall back or push out isn't really a leader thing in my oppinion :P
ofcourse it is.

that's what an ingame leader should do. Coordinate his team by telling the next move. The rest just tells info, but the ingame leader coordinates strategy.
Estonia Night fo sho! (although I haven't played with him)

I'd be a bad ingame leader. Sometimes I don't even know where I got shot from (:
have you ever played with him?
Nope. Have you?
but i just find it interesting that you can decide who is the best ingame leader without ever having experienced their leadership skills. What do you base your judgement on?
dignitas winning everything with Night and loosing some matches without Night
First I wanted to ask you why you take this so seriously. But after reading the journal again it seems like I didn't see the words "the best ingame leader you ever had". You're totally right, I'm sorry =)
Oh I based my judgment on the opinions of people that played with him. Furthermore his timing is perfect in certain situations (his match saving Panzerfaust kills). And last but not least: Dignitas doesn't perform as well without him, so I think he's an important player.
Do you think Night is not a good ingame leader?
no i think he is a good leader however i just wondered what you were basing what you were saying on. I can only say who i think is good from my own experience.
dignitas winning everything with Night and losing some matches without Night
ex*chad ze one and only [gather admin] and he can drink 3 liters sperm before he must puke !!111
i thought deheld was the one who can drink 3 liters of sperm
nope - DeHeld can eat 3meters cock before he must punke - see the difference ?!
you mean that wnb Ch4d? :P
maybe wnb - but great leader.... like Hitler - only fat :)
Sweden k2.Mastermind

Gaso is also good on comms, but he's not leading

Clown is also good at it as we've seen on CPC2.
I agree that Gaso isn't that leading, but just by his presence he adds something valueable to the team.. which I somehow interpret as leadership.
nah, he's just very good on comms and thus very useful, but he doesn't coordinate things, which is the job of a leader.
I quit coordinating things when I left The Killer Bunnies... 3 years of trying to leading the whole game was enough, needed a change. I also kind of feel, that being the ingame leader hindered my own playing: trying to keep up with 6 guys made me lose the focus of my own game.

In Parodia Xpaz assumed the role, and I noticed I enjoyed playing more being a part of team rather than leading it. Haven't even tried since. :)
yes you are right about that.
It's hard to lead in game, but sometimes it's harder to get people to listen to what the leader says in game ^^
I'd go for Netherlands sem, he just never stops talking. I also heard once, that Finland ceesam was a very good ingame leader.
Germany duKe_ Switzerland doozie both are talking much very nice guys
Finland xpaz for in game leader however England mztik definately talks a lot and gives a lot of info
Sweden SOPHIE HIGHSKILL ofcourse.
I'd have to say Xpaz.
Night is by far the best ingame leader I have played with. I often feel like his sheer presence is more than enough to take a midskilled mix to eurocup qualifier level.
I can believe that

Just look @ CPC2

sol wasnt bad, good replacement for night. But an good ingame leader like night cant be replaced. Its the most important person in a team.
easy, Mztik
Belgium lio fo sho
i think am a good ingame leader for hMg

best ingame leader i had .. mesqi :o ( dont flame :S )
me myself and i

and now i can even talk all the time without getting 999 and i can play with stable fps next week WOOOOOOHOOOOOOOO
still pissed you proceeded to the playoffs 2 EC's ago?
my uber-leading skillz brought us there
i remember when we played this czech clan on grush and only 2 mins to go, so i said nP we win and we won gg
a 3-1 win and we have not processed to playoffs maybe =)
blaze is an awesome ingame leader tbh.
Netherlands Ramzi

Though i've never been in a team with "pro" players, but Ramzi is a very good ingame leader.
I don't think a good in-game leader requires a "pro" selection of players. ^^
United Kingdom Kipster !
hackers r the best ingame leaders imo. they always know where the enemys come from
Italy Mell4 <3<3

the only problem is that nobody listens to him
Alexander the Great:history always shows the truth!
if whine counts ingameleading then I would say MulSu!

no bad feelings honey<3
Netherlands Atemi fo sho!
Belgium Worm is a really talented and smart ingame leader
danke jensi :P
Poland Krein is a good ingame leader
I never played with him but I heard very often that United Kingdom mztik is ownage as ingame leader.
Belgium best ingame leader i had wasnt one person there where more in one team, for me it was ledragon,rafiki

and after that i was sometimes ingame leader, sometimes good sometimes bad. A good ingame leader can make a new team perform better, but after a while you dont have to do alot as ingame leader because every players knowns what to do and every player knows what the others are doing. But in the start its very helpfull, and to help new players fit in your team.
edjeuh <3
je zit altijd in mn hart <3
QuoteSilent_ on 27/04/07, 09:58:21 Del | Edit | Reply

hackers r the best ingame leaders imo. they always know where the enemys come from
sheep fosho.
Slovenia vektor
the best in game leader
Ireland Skydeh tbh....


Either Ireland Sol (Team IE) or Denmark bLAZER (WSF)
wizzel was good in rewind !
Ye... He was a bit too good in o8 and went on to search for new challenges!
if team is full of teenage angster whiners, I would say Finland MulSu
gods inc 05 ? ^^
sem and toxic (although i have way better communication. but tox powns at calls :D)
Well as far as I know the best in-game leaders I know are:

Great in-game leaders and uberskillors.
i have played only with one ingame leader so far: myself :) so the best one i played with is... I :)
IsraelCrozZ ;-)
From the people I've played with and/or seen lead teams:

Malta toxic
United Kingdom Mztik
United Kingdom Sock
Estonia Night

Are all awesome.
Zenix for sure
I'm a nice ingame least @ 3on3 :~~~
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