of Mice and Men - By John Steinbeck

Did anyone read the English book: Of Mice and Men - By John Steinbeck?
If u do and u got some time + english skillz could u Pm / help me?
I need it for english work for skool

I started the old man and the sea ... Never knew such boring stuff could force itself onto you and make you read it :'(
I did it in school like 4 years ago if that helps!
Make ur homework yourself, lazy donkey.
I have already done it, i just need him to help me make pro haxor sentences so i will get an 100 :P
I wasn't allowed to read it cause it was too easy.
watch ze movie faggot !
Watch the movie, greater than the book imo
I think it would be kinda obvious if you use the movie storyline :P Never read or saw either one of them, but they are bound to be different :D
Thats why I am reading it :P
It's a good book :)
Its the best english book i've read :P alltought i was reading like 3-4 atlast :P
try to read "the french lieutenant's wife" :(((
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