
i wanted to know if somebody of you has a mac or a macbook @ home.
did you have any bad experiences with it, some big things you dont like?

i personally like everything of apple and i´m going to buy a macbook in some days so, is there any profoundly reason why i shouldn´t buy it?

pls serious answers


image: newyorkkingkongbb1
no more tall buildings
serious answer:
sorry :(
my friend got a black MacBook. He still loves it after 1 year, but he isnt playing any game on it, just for creating Music 'n stuff for his Band.

I like the HD Display very much. It's better then Vista in my opinion, because Vista is just ripped of it :O)
jo, vista is echt ne kopie :)

ich kenn eigentlich auch nur leute die 100%ig zufrieden sind mit apple :)
mac are basically used for office works or designing, I don't know about gaming on mac tho.
i need it for recording music, creating music and for laboratory working
than it's a by far the better choice. :-)
as i said my friend got very nice tools for Music 'n stuff ;)
+ You don't need an Virus Scanner or something like that.
why ppl can not understand Irish english can u explain me?
we have had many macs and still have... they are better than PCs but most programs and games are for PC only :(
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