27 Apr 2007, 21:11
anyone with .htaccess knowledge on here? couldn't find answer for this on google:
i need to get something random to redirect to url.php?c=random_shit_here
doesent have to be really random, can be something specific to each request - just something that changes every time
url.php outputs a generated image which is different on each request, and without something random in the url, user keeps loading the old one from browser cache
EDIT: solved, better method:
22:29 <+LeoD> you can tell the browser via the http header to not cache :)
i need to get something random to redirect to url.php?c=random_shit_here
doesent have to be really random, can be something specific to each request - just something that changes every time
url.php outputs a generated image which is different on each request, and without something random in the url, user keeps loading the old one from browser cache
EDIT: solved, better method:
22:29 <+LeoD> you can tell the browser via the http header to not cache :)
set $random at random and
header("Location: url.php?c=$random");
might be easier :)