I want to gloat!

Ahhh well... when I took the bus this morning and checked the free newspapers, as I usually do, I saw that our project from fall 2005 was in a big picture on the front page. Unfortunately none of our group members was in the picture, but some other students from our university. The picture was taken at a science fair in Copenhagen, where the Minister of Science showed a lot of interest in our project :)

Here's the scan of the paper MetroXpress: http://media.aau.dk/~afre05/metroXpress_27_4_2007.pdf

And here is a video presention the project: http://media.aau.dk/~gtal05/labsessions.html
im fast soz m8
not rly :/
would have 0.01 sec replys if i wouldnt have to watch the 9 messages in my inbox :/
seems to be a rly nice project as far as i can judge it by seeing the video...gratz
haha I used to read those free papers every morning to on way home from work oh the joy!
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