back from teh pub :!

my cousin left a shoe in the river and he was liek wheres my shoe and i was like its in the river and then he was like in the river and we will get it tommora and doubt that will happen omg :D so funny :P

but anyways mad propz to everyone who plays ET its the best game ever even if we have so much cheaters... who cares anyways online only ftw :P

nice day to everyone im going to sleep im too wasted lol :P

can hardly read but i can still correct mistakes lolol :P
<3 eveyone!!!!#24!
kurba pozornosti
kwa je pa delav u reki ce je not cevl pustu? : o
da bil ju fakin tea f mejt, I hate teletubies or whatever the fuck they are lol
dont blame me, a jew had it in his profile..
do you have pubs in slovenia? xDDD
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