hsv > bayern

hahaha owned btw -.-
da hat van der vaart mal wieder bewiesen dass er zur zeit der beste mittelfeldspieler in der bl ist
joo easy für hsv

lolol @ bayern spasten
ofc he is the best mittelfeldspieler... er ist ein hollander!
meer talen in 1 zin plz:p
fußball sux
Bayern is very intrested in Van Der Vaart but HSV said he's to important for the team
leuk voor jou
bayern management is simply stupid, van der vaart would fit to them perfectly and hsv needs the money..
As they wouldn't try to buy him. :/
ofc they do, but not clever enough
Bayern is buying Luca Toni and are interested in buying Robben aswell :)
like robben will leave chelsea for bayern :DDDD
he doesnt play there at all. if he only wants money, he will stay. but if he wanna play he will go.
but the other thing is strange for me in it. why would anyone want this guy? maybe he plays well and stuff but he is such an egoist player, that i would never want to play with him in one team.
ruki verh
hahahahahha rofl 18mio for toni ROFL AHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA

5 years later

bayern = union
van der vaart ftw und seine frau erst :D
BvB alleee aleee aleeeeee

Van Buyten > *
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