Mouse settings, trouble
30 Apr 2007, 15:25
Need help with changing to an extremly high m_pitch, preferably in windows too and not just ingame
My mx518 is off for repairs, and now im stuck with a ps2 ballmouse.
But then i discovered that my ps2 port (or something) seems to be broken, atleast my mouse bearly works verticly, the horizontal sense seems ok, but the vertical sense is about 1/30th of that.
So my question to you is, WHAT DO I DO!? :Oo
My mx518 is off for repairs, and now im stuck with a ps2 ballmouse.
But then i discovered that my ps2 port (or something) seems to be broken, atleast my mouse bearly works verticly, the horizontal sense seems ok, but the vertical sense is about 1/30th of that.
So my question to you is, WHAT DO I DO!? :Oo
if you could lower yaw in config there would be no reason to restrict pitch ...
sv_cvar m_pitch OUT -0.015 0.015
sv_cvar m_yaw IN -0.022 0.022
tho i have no idea why he would set it specifically to "0.01501" !?!
yes yes your respons will be "omg fag rofl you cant change it in cb config fucking retard blablbla"
I wouldnt know cause Ive never tried it
this dude asked about how he could make his vertical mouse sens faster, I gave him a suggestion, if this answer doesnt apply to various cfgs SO WHAT, its a possible solution (for a typical public server any way)
but in that case i thought it was the mouse, since it also had alot of other bugs at the time