Toby Maguire teh EMO

Well i just came back from the cinema and saw the new spiderman.
Basically the movie is not exactly my taste...

of course as promised there have been lots of fights but not one fight was awsome... every punch and effect was going down under some explosioneffects n stuff..
easy moviemaking but it is not what i expected.

Not compareable to 300 and that awsome fights...
slowmotion wasnt used even once in Spiderman 3...
the story is 5/10...

One scene i couldnt stop laughing anymore :D the newspaper boss and his secretary made me lol so fucking hard :DDDD

During the part where Toby is influenced by the black flubber, he really is Teh EMO...
I m looking forward to the funnypictures made of that movie...

Well who of you bored xfireLifers has already seen it and what do you think?
ill watch it today :P
did they fuck up venom :s ?
any Torrent up yeT ? if it is post it here
sterben bitte
geh sterben tim
oder guck den film
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