lol'd ...

Kids Guide to ICQ/MSN


Okay kids, here's some basic information on how NOT to do conversation
with me (and most-likly any other coder too). Everything listed now is daily-business
I gotta deal with, the way how people waste my time...

"Hey bro" - Im not your brother
"May I ask you a question" - Just do it and dont ask for permission
"Send me bot for free pls" [repeated 50 times] - GFYS
"Is C++ hard to learn?" - So much to "There is no stupid question" - THERE IS.
"Teach me how to blah blah" - $120/hours we may talk about. I'm not your tutor.
"Hey, hack not working" - ORLY? Humor me with specifics
"Whats the pass for the rar?" - First I was blind, now I can see... the first post.
"Whats aimkey xy?" - RTFM
"I got a bug" - Support thread is for a reason.
"How do I use paypal?" - Not my problem
"I got the money next month, will buy then" - Well talk to me in 3 months.
"My auth is not working" - Let me guess your username... I like that game.
"How much is your bot" - Ever thought there might be more than one?
"Do you speak french?" - No exceptions even for La Grande Natione.
"I got leaked v3.33 but its no more working pls send new" - No comment.
"Im using YX from coder ABC but i got a problem" - You got another one: Talking to the wrong person
"Did you get my message/email" - Sure. It's the only one I received within months.
"When will the update be ready??????" - When it's ready.
"Whats the cvar for yx?" - Google
"Whats x in currency y?" - Google

(to be continued)

Other NO-NO's:

- Chat with me on ICQ and MSN at the same time (thanks for confusing)
- Constantly using "send ring" feature
- Ask a question and sign off immediately
- Receive a debug build and never give feedback
- Request cdkeys
- Flood with single words instead of sending sentences (of text)

Example's how to do it right:

- Hi, this is <nickname> from NC, I'm a customer of <bot name>.
I'm using <version> and I do have the following problem/question:
<description in english even I can understand>

- Hi I'm <nickname> and I want to buy <name of bot>. I do
have the money ready on moneybookers, and Im registered to
nC under the name <nc nickname>.

- This is <nc nickname>, Im receiving <ERROR MESSAGE IN DETAIL>
on auth. My username is <username>.
This are Pansemuckle his rules!!!!! Respect that
dont worry i wont talk to you...
who the fuck are you anyway?
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