ET - Quake Wars


i read an article about ET - Quakewars in a german XBox 360- magazine called "360 live". And to my surprise they never mentioned ET in there. They said that ETQW has "stolen" the ranking system of CoD the vehicles and the mission objectives of the BF-series and so on....

I wrote to the editorial staff to inform them where the roots of etqw really are...bad research of the magazine tbh...but maybe I expect too much from a xbox-magazine... :/
donkiballs, it's all promotional, cod and BF are best-sellers and known to every xbox geek, but they couldn't care less about some game called for ET which is built for something called a PC
i'm pretty sure the creators of QW have distributed that information in order to get some customers
the roots of etqw arent in enemy territory.
take a spoonful of quake and a spoonful of et and you get et:qw
What I've heard and seen it's rather a plate of BF, a teaspoon of quake and a pinch of ET :))
its more like a shovelful of bf a pinch of et and no quake to be seen except the title.
it does have SOME quake, this is supposed to take place before quake 2(?maybe?) and should give some prequel to the quake series... but gameplay wise, should be quite far from quake... closest to bf2 imo
yeh i meant in gameplay. it's all bf2 with some (very few and far between) similarities to ET's obj system. yes it's quake storyline and quake name, but what else does it actually have from quake?
and a pinch of Suzy Salt and a hint of Bobby Battlefied.
btw does someone knows how the aim is in quake wars , does it have a stupid little-zoom button like COD ?
yes, I saw someone zooming to iron sights in a video
where is the next part of tosspots blog btw? he said he will write it Wednesday !!1!11111!!11111 ;(((
enemy territory != enemy territory
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