Win a BNC!

The 16th person who adds me as his buddy will earn a BNC. In case of it will be successfull, I will give out some more BNC'S.

GL my boys <3

P.S.: Of course I will add you as well, as my profile looks so empty without buddies.

P.S.: Your add only counts if you haven't delete me until the 16th added me.

P.S.: 2 another bnc's will be given away to some buddies who are under the first 16.
give the 1st one something or it will never start :D

edit: it got started hehe
It started already so gogo :O)
Real Name: Anna Martikainen
E-mail: A_und_M_ebay at web dot de
Age: 24 ( 6 June 1982 )
Location: Russia
Gender: --->Male<----
Function: Member
Registered: 5 March 2007
Member For: 1 month and 28 days

OH NOES SHERLOCK HOLMES IS GAY !!!1111111111111111111111111111111111
chichi changed :O)
hey im the only Sherlock around here :)
waiting !
"P.S.: 2 another bnc's will be given away to some buddies who are under the first 16."
BTW. you're my first buddy !!1 c:
nice way to get fakefriends
LoL. Finnish name, german email adress and a russian flag. :-)
aaaaaaaaaaaaand a 130 kg nigger siting at "her" computer... SURPRISE!
undercover xD
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