10-30 fps? :o

I've got 10-30 fps on my new laptop :(

AMD Sempron 3500+ 64bit
Windows Vista
ATI Radeon Xpress 110 (128 MB)
512 MB DDR2 ram

WTF can I do with it :/
install ati opengl drivers
or install XP
ati opengl drivers should be installed tbh, other games can be played w/o problems..
cant be better imo
buy new pc with good specs ;) THAT HEL:SPDPSPS!
sell it
VISTA !!!!!
throw it out of the window.
kill yourself
wank and everything will be okay
512 MB DDR2 ram + vista

i loled
Just got it with new phone :o)
hint: ddr2 performs way better if you use 2x 512DDR2 instead of just one chip.
Next week I'll buy some extra chips..
Buy exactly the same chip you already have.

Place both ram chips in ram sockets with the same socket colour, mine has two yellow and two orange ones. Also check your mobo guide if it sais anything about what slots you should use if you have 2 chips.
I will see =)
QuoteWTF can I do with it :/

Post Journals on xfire np
you are prolly using windows stock drivers, install the ATI ones and all should be fine
I'm using the Catalyst drivers...

Usualy I use nvidia, so this is totally difference xD
com_maxfps 125
Now I've got 76 \o/, just installed WinXP... Fuck Vista xD
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