OLD, but good...

Well, in #iiii.et some of us were having a nice normal conversation quite a while back... then this guy comes in (AngadX) and we decided to play a little joke on him, poor guy... first part is quite boring... but well worth the read...

fyi, this guy had no idea what ET was and never played it before, he was a random IRC user...

>> http://funestus.com/angadx/ <<
Wow, yeah. I would have read the whole thing but I suddenly realised that forcibly ripping out my own anus was much more pleasurable.
not too sure about that one, but your ignorance is understandable
Did you just try to be funny? Look, we get it, you're an idiot, you don't need to go out of your way to prove it every chance you get. We all realise it now, we've accepted it, it's time to move on.
please, this is crossfire, everybody acts like a total idiot from time to time
There's a difference between acting like an idiot and being one.
Heh, he's obviously acting like one.
Only an idiot would find that fallacy obvious.
Only an idiot calls other people idiots.

I can start going on like that too, but that would be stupid, since I'd be lowering myself to your level. This started out as some friendly bullshit, it's gonna go into flame, and we've got enough of that already @ crossfire.
eheers grphafh:

too long but the beginning looks promising :D
(11:51:25) (+Sheepiiii) we are all very friendly and keep everything said here in secret
(11:51:31) (+Sheepiiii) no forums to post logs on or anything
(11:51:37) (+apple) idd Sheepiiii.
(11:51:44) (+AngadX) so she was giving me a hand job, and went like (this is really embarassing) "we need to talk", and stoopped...
(11:51:56) (+Sheepiiii) thats such a shame..
(11:52:01) (+myko) shh!
(11:52:03) (+AngadX) didn't even get me off, and very dumbly said, "i'll kiss your cock though"
(11:52:04) (+Sheepiiii) tell me.. was it because you are "inadequate"
(11:52:11) (+AngadX) and i actually laughed at her..
(11:52:15) (+AngadX) no man
(11:52:32) (+Sheepiiii) are yuou sure? many men are inadequate... and tis nothing to be ashamed off
(11:52:35) (+AngadX) she's all "our relationship" and stuff
(11:52:50) (+Squalliii) hmm, u dont need relationship to have sex
(11:52:53) (+Squalliii) imo
(11:52:54) (+Squalliii) :(
(11:52:59) (+myko) sex is sex..
(11:53:01) (+myko) sex is good
(11:53:04) (+AngadX) she kinda sucked, as i mentioned earlier
(11:53:12) (+Sheepiiii) tell us more
(11:53:14) (+Sheepiiii) we can help you
(11:53:16) (+AngadX) so orally, i've only been 'kissed'
(11:53:19) (+apple) im off to get some food
(11:53:29) (+AngadX) balls man i aint discussing anything here!!
Because people always come on irc and start discussing their sexual lives; you were played.
(11:25:51) (+Sheepiiii) Gay Institute for Gay Individuals
(11:26:03) (+Sheepiiii) GIGA
(11:26:04) (+Sheepiiii) GIGA-L|Mashed is top dog here

lold :D
2long omfg
i thought you saved those...
sector has just defeated a lvl 70warlock!
(11:29:05) (+Sheepiiii) gone right up the arse!
(11:29:10) (+Sheepiiii) thats what my boyfriend said to me last night
(11:29:17) (+Sheepiiii) but thats another story

(11:25:51) (+Sheepiiii) Gay Institute for Gay Individuals
(11:26:03) (+Sheepiiii) GIGA
(11:26:04) (+Sheepiiii) GIGA-L|Mashed is top dog here
Can I post funny logs too, Sheep?
don't you dare, ex-hairy man
(12:14:16) (+Sheepiiii) ROCK THE COCK AND DONT YOU STOP
pls dark blue text on black background,
awful to read
(11:51:25) (+Sheepiiii) we are all very friendly and keep everything said here in secret
(11:51:31) (+Sheepiiii) no forums to post logs on or anything

haha :D
(12:27:29) (+AngadX) dumb question
(12:27:37) (+AngadX) any command? i don't like using my mouse

how the hell can u not know of russel peters :(
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