problem with headset

well i have a little prob. with sound in headsets.. I just bought random headset (logitech premium).. Sound is so weird in game.. I can hear all good but nades and other stuff make so weird sound .. I dont know how to explain in english :FFF

if anyone knows plz write here.. maybe i have to fix some s: command in cfg plz write here..

atm i have this settings :

// [s_settings].

s_mixahead "0.12"
s_mixprestep "0.05"
s_loadas8bit "1"
s_compression "1"
s_khz "22"
s_musicvolume "0"
s_doppler "1"

EDIT : perfo help me !:D
why u bought random headset? tought u want to buy senheiser or sth :o

and zlol what u maen nades have wierd sound?

s_mixprestep 0.05 ? :D
well i bought this just for now.. i will buy new one ; ) but i couldnt play with old ones..

hm.. nades are so fuckin like "sub wuffer" ..dunno how to explain in other way :F
if mixprestep not working, post ur et sounds cmd alltought im ot sure its the prob :o
ye i posted look up..
ask perfo?
try s_doppler "0"
it made my sound fucked up
try a random cfg and look if the problem still is there
s_khz 44 lol
and if that doesnt fix it, try s_mixahead 0.2

btw, put a snd_restart after it
wtf hax, i use s_mixahead 15

what it does anyway?
i use 0.06
edit: gives other sounds that are registered quicker with your et sounds i believe. try s_mixahead 0.5 and shoot, and then try 0.2 and notice the difference
hm.. perfo this is still not working,..
I put the old headsets in that whole of sound card in pc adn the sound is normal,.. then i tried to put this new one (Logitech premium) is totaly diferent sound.. like i have "sub wuffer" in headsets ..
any new suggestions?

image: slus_logi_stereo

rly anoying cant play like this :f
you mean when you talk you hear yourself or smth?
no.. i can talk easily, i dont hear myself in my headsets. I just hear fuckin weird sound when i am shoting or nading.. Sound is the same when i try to play with my 5.1 Surround sound speakers ...

can u help me more ? ;<
lol, no :P i dont know havent used the headset
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