weird prob

i got this prob for like 2 weeks already, and the prob is that my pc always crashes, when im not doing anything, or when im not even @ home, and my pc is opened :s

any solutions?
I know what you did last summer
it was actually the last days of september when i bought my pc
for me, it started like this, later my pc crashed while booting sometimes and very later it crashed always. my power supply unit (or whatever it is called) was broken ...

e: could be something different too i guess :D
but sometimes, when this started, it also crashed while i was playing/watching movies, etc.. and i got this blue screen and it said that there is somekind of prob with C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\nvata.sys, that its corrupt or sth, :s

this time im totally serious
theres a new viurs join up the united virus community which reboots / crashs ur pc every couple of mins or sth, brb i'll go find some infos about it ^^


W32/IRCbot.worm! is a medium risk of worm for home users. You can be infected simply by going online. Once ubfected, your computer may restart continuously.

also happend to me once my pc just crashed, i opened it again everything is fine and wtfhax it crashs again. the problem was part of the pc which i had to switch, i dono its name in eng and cant explain much @ eng ^^ try get engi to have a look @ ur pc

ps:shit eng
ahahahaha :D:D:D:D:D
ja se itak mi crasha kadar downloadav, panavad ka sm zuni, al pa ce stim komp panoc adprt, tk de me prov briga, sm pol mi pa mejn downloada :[
bwo, jest ga im pa 4dni przganga pa vis de je cist upizdi pa mi ga se ni crashalu razn fakin graficna se pregriva
the prob is that my pc always crashes, when im not doing anything,

when u NOT doiing nothing. try to stop doing not nothing...
eaz bash for nocti
but how am i gonna do something on pc while im out : o
haaaaaax for sure!!
me no haxie : [
okay :( hmm well maybe ur family? or ur pc dont like u :((
motherboard broke or smth imo i had the same =:<
i think there's sth wrong with my nforce drivers, but i wish i knew which drivers i need for nforce :[

use nfr to get rid of old driver and use the latest nforce ones for your chipset. Check manufaturers webby to find type etc.

nvata is your hard disk driver!
but when i click on that nvata crap, it says that its nforce driver

yes when u install nforce it will have maybe have 6 ticks (advanced maybe) only install the ata driver and not all the other crap??
my pc sometimes freezes and the screen becomes black and it starts to beeeeeeeeeeeeep,,,the only way to reboot is to pull the cable
overheat maybe? try cleaning the fans and heatsink on both gfx card and cpu!
I have the same problem every now and then, and in my case its a temperature thingy I guess. I activated another fan and its all "cool" now =D

btw nocti how is your german doing?
meine deutsch ist gut (with 2 dots on u), danke
mein deutsch ist gut (and no dots belong here)
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