final exams / abitur for ze yermans

on thursday i had the first of my final exams. it was an oral one and part of the final english exam. we had to discuss with a partner about a certain topic for 20 minutes. i rocked the shit with 20 out of 20 points :P

now just left: english (written) on tuesday, german (written) on wednesday, maths (written) next monday, and the oral one in economy (no date fixed)

i don't care if you don't care. cya

flame on!
Gratz, I remember personally how good I felt after I had finished so :).
gl with the rest of your exams :)
Montag LK Geographie schriftlich und am 16.05 Kunst mündlich, dann binsch fertig :OO
Hättest mir dann auch nicht mehr so viel Angst gemacht
Nunjaa, wenn dun leichtes ABI haben willst, machste Kunst und Englisch als LK. :-D
gl biqqqqq
finishing highschool is the best (if you do well, and are accepted on the desired uni). party time till october :)
boah, i miss my best friends from highschool, at college, everybody is on his own etc.... ego growing etc ... :I
Bist ziemlich jung, dafür, dass es dein letztes Jahr ist =)
in sachsen sind nur 12 jahre schule und ich weiß, dass ich fast ein jahr jünger bin als der "normale" abiturient. bin halt nur paar tage vor der einschulung 6 geworden wo alle anderen schon seit einiger zeit so alt waren
ah verstehe
Er meint: Hauptschule, 3 mal sitzengeblieben
^^ Seit neustem gibts also LKs für Hauptschüler :P
Oral Master 2k7
good luck dude!
my last examination is on the 9th of may (history; oral).
Already had my oral exams, written 1s dont start until 4th. June tho :<
My last real exams are Advanced Fluid Dynamics and Advanced Process Operations on Tuesday and Wednesday (I've got a really easy general exam on the 31st too, but it's pretty much pointless). Then I go off and actually work for a living :o
Nice going for the first, GL for the others :D
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