fucking ad in the middle of the screen

hey, today for the first time i saw google ad between news and comments. unfortunately <div> containing it got no id nor class.
i use opera.
pls give that div an id so i can disable that fucking ad in css for crossfire website.

or is there any other way?
firefox has it aswell ... but i didnt see it @ IE 7
lol, its easy with opera :o
Or, you could not block the ad, and actually help pay for the site?
no i wouldnt

from the nature im against any form of advertisement and wont help it develope.
how much cf gets for 1 klick , just wondering
I didnt mind when they were on top
Does the site make any money just having them there or do they have to be clicked?
If they have to be clicked I may as well remove them because I will never click one. It's just irritating to have some WOW gold or whatever add in them middle of the page.
Open a paypal account and allow ppl to donate money? Ppl donating would make a chance at a free giga account or smthing

some copy pastes from a site i visit regularly:
Main PayPal: $228.27
New PayPal: $11.21
Bank: $2.29

t is now nearly one third of the way through January 2007 and only a single person has donated who has never donated before. To encourage new donors, I have two 128 Mb USB thumb drives. Once is brand new, I've only used it for a week to make sure it is reliable. This one will go to the first person who has never donated before and donates $50 this month AND lives in the USA. The second thumb drive has been used daily for nearly two years, and that one will go to the first person who has never donated before and donates $25 this month AND lives in the USA. (USA restriction due to international postal fees). ~ Aqua
Even a retard like myself f.e. would donate money :o)
I doubt that giga will provide crossfire with free accounts :)
raza didnt need to have ads to run this site.
raza didn't organize lans
just let the specs pay. At lans, nothing much 2-3 euro and everyone is happy.
atleast 90% of the people using this site didnt go to the lans anway ;)

And you can also make something like a premium membership with more options in your profile and more stuff etc etc. You could also open an crossfire shop, crossfire buttons shirts etc. I would like to have one and i think more people want that. Those are betters ways to have a clean site and still money. And maybe even more money

Maybe you can also remove the crossfire prizefight 2 challenge button and but an ad there. Right beneath news posts etc are more annoying. Those banners from intel arent really bothering me.
hiho pentel o/
good :P u?
too, wanna play some 3on3?
hell no :D
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