fps tweaking


not a lot of people look at tutorials so i thought i'd make a journal :P

nice nice gogo kamz
Looks nice (didn't read the whole tutorial though)

Make a cfg file with the best settings for fps and share it imo.

- cg_shadows - set this to 0 for more fps, this will disable shadows where as 1 will enable circular shadows.
- cg_fov - fov 90 will give you more fps than 120 :]
- r_gamma - controls the RGB colour intensity level, the brighter the visuals the more washed out the textures will look, so brighter = better fps

I dont believe that
thats logical fov 90 gives more fps than 120
higher fov give more fps, has to do with texture compression but i think it doesnt matter any more, just like picmipping.
but dosnt the game need to show more with a bigger fov+
m8, open a demo, do /cg_fov 90 then /timedemo 1, wait for the demo to finish and check the fps in console, do the same again but with 120 fov and check the fps again, i'm sure you will get a lower one with 120.
in timedemo one will probably give a slightly higher score then with fov 90 idd. Scoredifference should be minimal.
15 fps for me :-]
How about it gives you more fps because you see less?
Lol im lost in this piece:

Go into your GeForce drivers and go to "Performance and Quality Settings"

Edit: Found it :D
lowering those settings will give you a "higher picmip" in a way, so practically its not legal; however nobody can really bust you for it unless you tweak enough to remove 2D
nice tutorial but some of the commands are cheat protected ='(
2lazy2readit ... screenies plz :P
nice but i have to say that i made the expirience that you get more fps with picmip 1 instead of 3 sounds weird but its like that for me =)
Which settings affect CPU usage rather than graphics quality? I ask because I can change most settings to lowest or highest and there is little change in my FPS. This leads me to believe that the bottleneck is my CPU which is an old Pentium 4 1.6GHz overclocked to 2.23GHz, since my FPS can drop to around 30 on Goldrush.
Have no experience with Processors m8, sorry =(

But all the settings I mentioned were texture based so I don't think any of them will have any effect on your CPU.
ET is totaly CPU dependend. Some guy actually explained it right, here on xfire, a long time ago, but ET hardly uses your videocard but the most basic functions that were used back in 2000. Ofc antialiasing etc is somehow affected by your video card but it mostly comes down to having as much cpu horsepower as possible. The bottleneck with ET is the amount of data that the processor has to take so a fast Front Side Buse is what you are looking for. Overclocking your FSB is easier when you got good memory, preferably faster then your mobo, but i recommend you look up some overclocking forums.

You basicly overclock the FSB by small increments, also increasing the cpu voltage by a tiny bit. This will increase the speed at which your memory, cpu, data transfer inside cpu take place, but also increases heat :'( Good cooling is what you are looking for.

QuoteOverdrive, i can hear your pc take off


I recommend buying some amd64+ 3500 along with some cheap mobo ,vid card and 2 512 DDR2 chips. You will easily get 100 - 125 fps for 300€ + some brain when replacing mobo and hooking up your old hardrive, cdroms etc. If you are new, ask somebody to assist you. Its really not that hard, if you had somebody to explain it to you properly.
Yeah, the FSB is already overclocked to 135MHz, while the stock was 100MHz, so it can't go much more. My GPU and RAM are both more than good enough for ET to run at high settings, so buying a new computer just for a better CPU would suck. Replacing just the motherboard and CPU would be sort of a waste, since I'll probably have to buy a new computer relatively soon anyway. I guess I'll just wait till then. :(
ye i also got fuck!ng fps problems but i'm not sure if it's a virus or stuff like that i'll check my pc but my fps are changing so strange..

if i put com_maxfps 75 i got 75.. 77.. 30.. 68.. 4.6.. 23.. 75..
the same if i put com_maxfps 125 or 100 it everytime changes then between 125 and 3.9 or lower yes.. not very funny to play

so before i change my whole config again cus i'm a bit lazy :p

do u think it'll help me if i change this things or not? (anyway i think most of them i still got like that in my cfg..)
but how about if you have ati videocard
Any scrubber that cant lock 125 fps in this OLD game should not be playing tbh. High settings no tweaks needed.

p4 3.4 - 1 GB ram - ATI x850
this pc is about to be thrown away as its old and shit!
Nice Tuturial, but like Overdrive said, some things aren't "correct". There's one thing I'm still not sure about, and that's the "brighter ET is the more FPS you get." I always thought that the brighter your ET is, you will get "less" FPS. Can someone confirm this?
"- r_swapinterval - leave this off at all times (bugged in ET)."
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