#sNd-Gaming cup updates!

Well, after having a succesfull 64 slot cup today (which went slightly without any problems!!), we are proud to announce the top 3:

» ictus
» Oceans6
» Team-DND

In the final between ictus and oceans6 the match resulted into a 2-2 draw after 45 minutes of playing, and therefore a decider had to be played. They picked supply as the deciding map and ictus finally won it by beating the clock with 1 second.

Furthermore we'll also have to announce that we are not going to run any cups until we'll get a site that is dedicated on all fields. This is because it's quite alot work to update the brackets + the lineups constantly and that means that we keep focussing on the brackets instead the cup. Therefore, we're searching for someone that is able to build a cup-site for #sNd-Gaming or someone that knows any cup scripts for sites.
In case you are able to build a cup site, or are able to find a script for us, we're striving for the following requirements for the site:

¬ Automatic signup system, which means that the teams signup themselves and that they get added to the brackets automatically. (signup including information such as webpage and lineups, better known as contact information)

¬ A php system that allows us to post news regarding the cup.

These 2 factors are the main things we'd like to have on our page. If you think you're able to give us some information, please contact either Raged or Insecure in #sNd-Gaming.

Next to this all, we've also got some new rules for the cup. The rules will be used at the next cup.
You can check them out here[/b]]
#Snd-Gaming Cup rules – 6on6
General Rules

1) When the cup has got the format of 6 versus 6, you have to play with the Clanbase Europe 6on6 config. (Better known as cb6).
2) All matches must be played in Stopwatch Mode
3) Only matches with 2 teams with the size of 6 man are allowed. Playing e.g. 5on6 is not allowed and the team with 6 players will win the match.
4) Winning one map earns you 2 points. Drawed rounds (Double fullhold) will earn each clan 1 point. The team with the most points wins the game.
5) In case the game is tied after 2 maps, you MUST play an deciding map. The map will be chosen due the cointoss system.
6) The game must be played with the latest version of Wolfenstein Enemy Territory (ET 2.60b) and the latest version of ETPRO (3.2.6)
7) You are allowed to lower your maxpackets until 40, your snaps have to be on 20.
8) When the admins ask you to hand in demo’s of the match, it’s obligatory to give them. This is to keep the cup clean from e.g. cheaters.
9) Substitutes are allowed, but can only be done during map changes, intermissions or pauses. You are allowed to have 2 substitutes per match.
10) Both teams have the right to pause 2 times a match.
11) One spectator per team is allowed. (Excluding ETTV). Both teams have to use /speclock and the players that are on the server during the match have to be spec-invited. Shoutcasters are only allowed if you are related to any ETTV programs.
12) In case the match is selected by broadcasters to be shown on ETTV, the spectators have to watch the match at ETTV and they’re not allowed to be on the server.

Cheating and Abuse

1) All the matches will be played applying to the Cheating and Abuse Policy of Clanbase. If you have got an abusive behaviour, it’ll result in a forfeit loss.
2) It’s not allowed to take advantage of any bugs. If you did though, it’ll result in a forfeit loss.
3) All files, either changed files or new files, that interact with the game in any way, are strictly forbidden. The use of any forbidden program or file by any clan will result in a forfeit loss and a immediate drop of the clan from the cup.
4) Programs that do not interact with the game are allowed. These programs are for example voice servers.
5) The following tactics are considered illegal by the admins:
- Intentionally blocking a door on any map.
- Making weapons recharge faster or making recoil disappear.
- Making any map environmental aspects (fog, grass etc) disappear if forbidden by pb settings (e.g. the use of cg_atmosphericeffects "0" is legal).
- Boosting more than 1 person.
- Using any tactic that causes you to "lag" or "teleport" or "simulated packet loss" meddling with the video card to go against any of the pb settings.
- Planting the dyna which requires a man tower (boosting)
- Planting the dynamite at the back of the guns on oasis
- Planting the dynamites in weird places on goldrush is allowed.
- oosting on radars to get the objective is allowed.
6) Abusing either referee or rcon powers will result a forfeit loss in the map.

We hope we've updated you enough for now, and hopefully see you soon in the next Sndcup!

The sNd-cup crew.
snd <3

VERY nice cup, well organised, alot better than other cups :>
die saken, das n pro
jij ook ;)
nice games
nice final<3
nice one, cheers.
by beating the clock with 0,2 seconds tbh :D
Quite a bad thing to round it off to 0 seconds..
Nice cup thanks for hosting :) gg wp o6
Team DND ftw :>>>>>>
Quote8) When the admins ask you to hand in demo’s of the match, it’s obligatory to give them. This is to keep the cup clean from e.g. cheaters.
9) Substitutes are allowed, but can only be done during map changes, intermissions or pauses. You are allowed to have 2 substitutes per match.
10) Both teams have the right to pause 2 times a match.
11) One spectator per team is allowed. (Excluding ETTV). Both teams have to use /speclock and the players that are on the server during the match have to be spec-invited. Shoutcasters are only allowed if you are related to any ETTV programs.
12) In case the match is selected by broadcasters to be shown on ETTV, the spectators have to watch the match at ETTV and they’re not allowed to be on the server.

Cheating and Abuse

1) All the matches will be played applying to the Cheating and Abuse Policy of Clanbase. If you have got an abusive behaviour, it’ll result in a forfeit loss.
2) It’s not allowed to take advantage of any bugs. If you did though, it’ll result in a forfeit loss.
3) All files, either changed files or new files, that interact with the game in any way, are strictly forbidden. The use of any forbidden program or file by any clan will result in a forfeit loss and a immediate drop of the clan from the cup.
4) Programs that do not interact with the game are allowed. These programs are for example voice servers.
5) The following tactics are considered illegal by the admins:
- Intentionally blocking a door on any map.
- Making weapons recharge faster or making recoil disappear.
- Making any map environmental aspects (fog, grass etc) disappear if forbidden by pb settings (e.g. the use of cg_atmosphericeffects "0" is legal).
- Boosting more than 1 person.
- Using any tactic that causes you to "lag" or "teleport" or "simulated packet loss" meddling with the video card to go against any of the pb settings.
- Planting the dyna which requires a man tower (boosting)
- Planting the dynamite at the back of the guns on oasis
- Planting the dynamites in weird places on goldrush is allowed.
- oosting on radars to get the objective is allowed.
6) Abusing either referee or rcon powers will result a forfeit loss in the map.

Sorry but that is why I got overruled and left :). You are saying the same atm, but it wont work out with spho in the management :) n/o.
I don't know why you left at all, but if you have got some problems with spho it has nothing to do with the rules.
Well all this will be bared in mind. Gutted it didn't work out and i wish the best at 1dc, need any help tho gis a shout <3
np , thx for the support anyways ;)
All the matches will be played applying to the Cheating and Abuse Policy of Clanbase.

That meens in the example from mize, that he is allowed to play, players who are not banned ARE ALLOWED to play.
now, i dont know why but it seems that u dont get this point somehow.
Also you are trying to hunt down mize anywhere, and make sure he is not participating in a cup because he is ''busted''

When i look to the final, i see for example Mind playing (no offence to him, he is a nice guy)
He is also busted already(testing some public hax). and you dont say a word about that, but in the meenwhile, it is an exactly similar case

It looks like you are allowing/disallowing players by personal thoughts about the player.

Its just not possible to make a perfect system about which players you should allow to participate in the cup.

Therefore we stick to the CB banlist policy etc. Thats the most honest and easiest way to work with.
Lol, pls, if he cheated, he should have been kicked.
But why are you protecting mize and rocky so hard. They cheated, they should be punished.

Btw: when mind was playing, i wasnt admin anymore :).

mind also played in earlier rounds, and its just an example from another busted cheater who appearently is not getting any of your attention cause you are only buzy with mize and rocky.
I dont have to defend them. it seems you still dont get the point, by using the Cb banlist for allowing/refusing players from a cup you treath everyone on the same way.
You are just randomly picking some people who you dislike for some reason and get them out of your cup.

not really proffesional.
spho on homo
:), i never heard people complaining about mind, i even didnt know he had hacked. (link me).

Mize is busted on ESL isnt that good enough or is ESL a noob organisation?
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