IQ Test omg

oh my god few mins ago i tested my IQ and the result is ::

Your IQ : 65

ohh my god ...

i got owned
what site?
......... i have only 126 :[
haxx i got 123 :<

1..2...3 i know its pro!
It's UNDERscore. :-D
128 !! :DDD
I took a test developed my Mensa, and my score was "above average for Mensa-members"

same here, even got an invitation mail to one of their meetings
I wanna take the official test once, see if i pass it, and if i do i'll say no to the membership and just have a kickass diploma to brag with :D
mensa diplomas are only for nerds :)
Tr00, which is why i wouldn't join them.. Having the proof i COULD be in there makes me able to point and laugh at both the mensa-members AND non-mensamembers xD
my girl has i m a lil bit afraid to do a test
hab nur aus fun angekreuzt und schon 90 bekomm x)
i haven't done an iq test since i was about 11. i scored 165 then.
Prolly on some TV quiz amirite? :P
i used to be a weird kid :P my mum had to have 2 jobs to pay the bills so when she went out at night i'd ask her to leave some algebra questions for me to do when i was 7 :p and then at night in stead of playin fifa 98 i would read history books lol. smoking + weed + beer soon stopped that ;)
Not only that mate. The younger you are, you have a bigger chance to score high. Lemme make it straight. 2 guys take a test: a 16 yo and a 8yo. Both answer EXACTLY the same questions. The 8yo will have a higher score, because he was as smart as a 8 years older friend. Get it? The tests which don't ask about your age are most likely for older people and won't give the true result.

Anyways, I think intelligence is something abstract and it can't be measured by any means. Look at all the wonderkids and genius people. They are insanely smart, but do _nothing_ to make the world better. Einstein for example, was nothing special but he worked to become better. And that's how it should be.

Take care!
QuoteEinstein for example, was nothing special

are you fucking serious man ?
Yes, I'm fucking serious. He was normal, not a wonder or a genius.
thats the proof that you are fucking stupid ;-)
actually he failled mathametics once :)
because it was too easy for him. he was bored of school....
don't forget he developed our precious litle nuclear bombs.
gratz, better than Albert Einstein/Goethe/Mozart.
Goethe was a great guy, for sure! :-D

I remember that when he was going by the street once, someone blocked his way and said: "I don't let idiots pass!". Goethe thought for a while, moved away and said: "But I do". I lol'd quite hard about the story, heh.
Quote by AramushaI remember that when he was going by the street once....

u knew him irl or online?
It was an old story, bleh.
It was sarcasm. bleh.
Almost the same as Diogenes ;)
np4u i guess!
hail the next mysticnamefaker
scores depend much on the test... try to get even 100 in this particular test
I guess it's sheer coincidence that everybody here apparently has an IQ way over the average IQ...wait, it might be that it's just a test on the internet.
schlauer alz toastbrot? ;x

Es besteht jedoch kein Grund beunruhigt zu sein. Erstens, Intelligenz ist nicht alles im Leben und zweitens, wenn Sie ein wenig trainieren, können Sie Ihre Intelligenz durchaus erhöhen. Gehen Sie zum Kapitel: Wie ich meinen IQ verbessern kann!
com_maxfps 125
124 ->> not internets test
plz post some link to a not maths based test....
i made one at the age of 12 and had 133 fps iq points whateva
138 in a non-internet test (made by a random education organization in my school)
Took some IQ test @ school when I was in 6th grade, I got 111.
It was for the ninth class.
My boyfriend got 150, he's so smart that he is always up :f
SAFE SEX WTH DUREX !!!!!!!!!!11111
Extra Safe!! fo sho :}
Ihr IQ ist: 128 with the mentioned page, last time I tested in rl 142
Ihr IQ ist: 134

Mit der erreichten Punktzahl sind Sie besser als 99 % der Bevölkerung.

and my mother tongue isn't german
Ihr IQ ist: 144
135 :)
Ihr IQ ist: 145

Mit der erreichten Punktzahl sind Sie besser als 99 % der Bevölkerung.

Ihr allgemeiner IQ-Wert liegt über 145. Herzlichen Glückwunsch!

Sie scheinen ein Genie zu sein, nur etwa 0,2 % der Menschen besitzen einen so hohen IQ-Wert. Sie sind in der Lage, fast jedes komplizierte Problem erfolgreich zu lösen und fast jede mögliche Herausforderung erfolgreich zu bewältigen.

Bill Gates hat einen IQ-Wert von 160 und Sharon Stone einen von 150!
Bill gates took an online commercial test lolz!

hr IQ ist: 135

Mit der erreichten Punktzahl sind Sie besser als 99 % der Bevölkerung.

Ihr allgemeiner IQ-Wert liegt zwischen 115 und 145. Herzlichen Glückwunsch!

Ihr Intelligenzgrad liegt über dem Durchschnitt. Sie besitzen eine hohe Intelligenz, sehr hoch sogar, wenn man diese mit der gesamten Bevölkerung vergleicht.

Ungefähr 16 % der Bevölkerung besitzen einen Intelligenzgrad in diesem Bereich. Übrigens, Hillary Clinton und Madonna gehören auch in diese Gruppe. Sie verfügen über viele ausgeprägte Fähigkeiten, um die verschiedensten Aufgaben und Prüfungen zu bewältigen, die das Leben uns jeden Tag abverlangt.
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