
so, is there any other vegetarist's on xfire than me?

i've been veg now for about half an year and i think its healthy and good for animals!



PETA's meat your meat-video (dont look it if you are thin-skinned)

btw anyhow meat-eaters makes 15 times more waste in year than vegetarian.
whats so funny in it? i dont see anything funny in it.
animals wont be better off if u dont eat meat
lets think:
if no-one eats meat, then all meat factories will go to bankruptcy and they cant make more meat = animals wont die anymore. cows would live in peace at fields n stuff.
yes, and ppl wont have jobs, economies will fail, etc
unfortunatly people wont stop eating meat. and think about it. animals like pigs or cows were just raised to fullfill one purpose: to serve as food for the humans. If all people stopped eating meat there wouldn't be alot of cattle left sooner or later

but what about Estonia Deadmeat ???!?!?!?!!!?!!??!!?!?!?!?l OLAlololoLLLl1loollolololllllyyyy!!!!
mM.. tasty..=)
let's make some delicious BBQ
Where are you from?!
np4me.. Did it yesterday, want more..=)
s/w germany
Nenne die Stadt=)
K-Town fo shizzle

aka Karlsruhe
Schade.. zu weit..=(
Pmme if you'll come to NRW..
wer nich will der hat schon
Isn't K-Town Kaiserslautern?
höchstenbs köln, wir warn aber schneller, nP
Well, actually I just checked it, it is Kaiserslautern, at least that's how military personnel from U.S. bases call it (due to the otherwise difficult pronunciation, I guess).
i don't care bout u.s militairy bullshit xD

k-town representer #1
Too bad, you're using u.s. military bullshit terms then, eh? XD
wanna see their copyright
Dude, whatever, call Karlsruhe K-Town, facts beg to differ though.
people i talk with understand me, so put the fact up yours
Chill, K-Rupt
my mom is vegetarian, want her msn?
already got her mobile number, thx 4 teh offer.
poor you
vegetarism/veganism = low
I am vegetarian.
I can eat white meat once in a while tho, but I prefer not to.
i respect that, but i really wouldn't know what to eat :(
soya (tofu, different kind of soya sauces, soya milk etc)
soya is superstuff, you can do anything from it.
yea, heard that aswell, but it tastes... boring, not to say crap, doesn't it?
Those animals are made to be eaten and meat has some very good proteins and other stuff that's healthy.
you are right, meat is healthy, but you can get those proteins and vitamins and fats from fruits, soya and vegetables also.
True, but they're not as tasty :<
True, peanuts have more protein than any other meat.
Macrobiotics can explain everything!
maybe Switzerland vegi ?
i was first, delete your comment
I'm a vegetarian, although I eat a small piece of meat once in a blue moon just because it's tasty :). Meat is bad for one's health due to all those hormones and the other garbage.
yeah, have you seen the PETA film?
yes, believe in propaganda, gl with it
huh, no, i have my doubts. i dont believe in to it 100% but its one of my reason to be veg.
k good :>
i just saw your movie... aweful :< luckily i buy my meat at a local farmer and i know how he treats his animals! and its 100% better than this supermarket-global-food where the animals travel 1000km just to get killed&packed
I guess not.
vegans dont eat eggs and all of the milk products, thats retarded
they wont use any clothes or shoes wich are made from animals.
yes but not eating milk products or eggs? it doesnt harm animals, its their natural process to produce them
n1 ignoring your roots but gg.

I've never really met a vegitarian that I actually really liked so go figure.

Besides that, most vegitarians bitch about how poor it is for the animals and the bad conditions they have in transport and being butchered just for food etc.. but meanwhile they do eat fish. Do these ppl have ANY clue how gruesome the fishing industry is? lol.

To quote Chris Rock "If you're one of the people in this world lucky enough to get your hands on a steak, bite the SHIT out of it."

Steak!! HERE I COME!!

PS: What's next? R-Ratings on WildLife Documentaries cuz a lion savages a deer?
there is difference, my great grandfather killed himself the animals he wanted to eat.
oh so if you kill em yourself you would eat em and not be a vegetarian? lol
there is a difference between eating for survival and eating for pleasure

edit: and i'm sure if you couldnt buy meat, noone would eat it either
there is also a difference in wanting to eat meat (as he describes his grandfather wanted) and having to eat meat (to survive).

and the meat being for sale comment is just ignorant.
its not ignorat, its true. would you kill a pig yourself so you could eat meat, or would you rather stay with non meat food? the saying "you like sausage, but you dont like see it being made" is pretty valid.
it is ignorant. It's wishful thinking and thus ignoring reality (cuz we CAN buy food) and thus it's ignorant.

Just cuz something is for sale in a store makes it not the only reason why ppl consume it.
wait for time to switch a few generations and see how many ppl will turn to non-meat diet

btw maybe you should lay off the vegetarians. were you molested by one or something?
Quotewait for time to switch a few generations and see how many ppl will turn to non-meat diet

Ok nostradamus

Quotebtw maybe you should lay off the vegetarians. were you molested by one or something?

No and totally irrelevant. I just find the majority of vegetarians hypocrites for not eating meat but continueing to eat fish.
Pescetarianism (sometimes called "Pesco-vegetarianism") — A diet in which the only animals consumed are fish or other seafood.

there are a lot of ppl who consider themselves vegetarian and still eat fish. get used to it. thats like whining over all the "medhigh" guys in the recruitment forums.
a lot of people decide to stop eating meat because of the "horror" in the meat-producing industry and start being "vegetarian". However tons of those continue to eat fish. Meanwhile the fishing industry is a lot less animal friendly. To me that is fucking hypocrite as hell.

Btw. get used to ppl having an opinion.
really? did you ask every vegetarian you meet why his reason is, and he said: oh noez poor animas :(. or were the replies more like: i dont support breeding animas so they could get butchered (cuz that what you do when you buy meat); or: i feel better if i dont eat meat. those who feel sorry for the animals, yet want to eat meat that bad, usually eat meat a few times a month only. those who feel better too, and like non meat food, go vegetarian. and i dont see why meat eating ppl like yourself have to jerk around with vegetarians (prolly the not good enough for me but good enough for you complex).

as for the your oppinion about not eating meat while eating fish, i dont have a problem with it, you just need to learn that it is a way of lifestyle (like those who eat all meat, except red meat), and as you can see they are right to consider themselves vegetarian. and some ppl consider fish to be a lower form of animals (or maybe they just dont know whats happening on decks of fishing boats, since its not as well documented), however its a start.
I'm not jerking around with vegetarians (and nice attempt at being a fucking shrink, gg) I'm merely saying that the majority of the vegetarians I've met in my life are hypocrites for finding it poor for animals but continue to eat fish.

Your statement of fish being considered a lower form of animals is just empowering my earlier statements of how fucking hypocrite some ppl are. If they consider fish to be a lower form of animals, it's their right to think so, as it is my right to think they are hypocrites for thinking that.

vegetarians (not all, but quite a few) think they are bettering the world by not eating meat and think they are actually helping to save the butchering of animals for food. Simply by not eating meat? Not really. What they are ACTUALLY doing is sticking their heads in the sand and ignore the problem by simply not eating meat. That's not helping the situation they want to make better in the first place, that's ignoring it.

Anyway, if you continue to make poor attempts of being a shrink or throwing more hypocrite remarks as "fish are considered as a lower form of animals" then as far as I'm concerned this discussion is over. I think the majority of vegetarians (the ones that do not eat meat out of sympathy for animals) are ignorant and the ones that continue to eat fish are hypocrite. That is my opinion. Deal with it.
i'm not trying to be a shrink, i'm just doing your thinking for you

nice hanging on to every sentance i write. its a fact that ppl think differently of fish and meat (even different types of meat. often when they ask really old ppl whats the secret to long life, they reply "no red meat"), and if someone doesnt eat meat, and eats fish try to calculate how much money less the meat industry will get in that persons lifetime, and if that income cut isnt a way of fighting the meat industry then nothing is (those peta riots are useless). and with the growing number of non meat eaters, the meat industry would get less and less money. ofc i dont think meat production would stop (anytime soon atleast).
stop doing the thinking for me, it's embarrasing to yourself. and insulting towards me.

study some economics and you'll start to understand that a growing number of non-meat eating ppl will simply find it's way somewhere in inflation instead of less money for the meat-producing industry. though the gesture the non-meat eaters are trying to make is nice, it simply doesn't have an effect.

I can name tons of answers what old ppl have said to the question "what's the secret to a long and healthy life" and the answer don't eat red meat is one of them. Doesn't make it true however.
i think there will be an effect when the number of nonmeat eaters increase enough, only time will tell tho. till then everyone should eat what he feels like, and not worry about what other people eat. i dont eat meat, and some ppl are really annoying with their: why dont you eat meat? how would would a steak hurt you? etc etc... i simply tell them too mind their bussiness, since i dont get involved in their eating habits. and i think everyone should do so as well.

hell im on top of the food chain so:
image: 1024_6531663063646538 > *
you did not kill those animals by your own hand!
actually i did, i go fishing with my dad since im 8 years old so np4me and as ronner said you ignore your roots.

now to peta:
i think what this movie shows is very cruel and bad, but its not normal, atleast for germany.
I can't imagine a life without a Döner Kebab, hehehe :D
ffs i wanted to buy a döner right after school today but somehow the store was closed. this was one of the biggest disappointments in my entire life. and now you remind me of this by using the word döner. THANKS MAN
I'm sorry :-(
How relevant to say you've never met a vegetarian you liked. Never saw a more retarded comment in my whole life, sorry Ronner. And saying that vegetarians don't eat meat merely because the fact that animals suffer from the way they're treated is not right either. Meat = bad for health, the rest is Greenpeace's business. (I'm not saying it's righteous to torture animals for our pleasure though.)
ok so every tiger(or any other meateater) will we dead soon


edit: try to reply
Carnivores like Tigers are... carnivores, people are not. And (wild) carnivores don't eat leat that's been produced in factories, sigh.
humans are omnivores !!!
learn to reply.
and meat = bad for health is BS. (and plz dont start with growth hormones etc etc cuz if you do you should start looking into what they do to vegetables imo and stop eating altogether.)
I eat biological food, thanks. And if you really want to get cancer that's your business, however retarded that is.
good for you. you do know they sell meat there as well right?
Ignore your roots? Explain!
learn to reply (again)

conical teeth. gg
How relevant.
not rly idd but you did prove my earlier point of never having met a vegetarian that I actually liked.
imo a true vegetarian NEVER[/u][/i] eats meat & fish, so fakers pls bibuy!
thx for adding the "& fish"
ik vind dat ook vlees en als het geen vlees is zijn het nog dieren, laatst is er nog bewezen dat vis WEL gevoel heeft, dus die hebben net zoveel pijn als 'vleesdieren' (lol).
I absolutely agree. BTW, fakers can become true ones imo...
How relevant. My replies are being moved because of edditing. And why bother, lol.
BS! just eat meat and stuff :-)
My brother used to be a really cool and nice guy to hang out with.
Now he's a vegetarian
good luck. you'll face A LOT of shit from people CONSTANTLY trying to prove you're wrong, just for their own self-satistfaction.

... as this journal have no doubt already proven.
i dont mind. anyhow i dont know why ppl should laugh to each other bcuz of some kind of eating style.

its like your clothes and color and stuff, someone likes black, someone green and someone red.
one thing you'll notice are certain people who actually agree with you and share your sentiments on animal rights and all that, without really saying so, but because they lack the WILL and GUTS to do something about it like you do, they'll try to put you down to make sure you don't look better than they do.

here's something to think about:

"Think As You Like But Behave Like Others
If you make a show of going against the times, flaunting your unconventional ideas and unorthodox ways, people will think that you only want attention and that you look down upon them. They will find a way to punish you for making them feel inferior. It is far safer to blend in and nurture the common touch. Share your originality only with tolerant friends and those that are sure to appreciate your uniqueness."
so what, you are saying that I eat meat cuz it's easier for me to follow the mass than to riot against them?
sorry, did I mention your name?
no, but with your last statement you are implying that people continue to eat meat because it's easier to follow the mass instead of rioting against the mass. Care to explain your statement?
yes, I can.

people who AGREE with animal rights, vegetarianism, etc -- stuff the thread/journal-starter talks about -- often would like to follow the same actions and ideals, but lack the guts do to so because it would take some genuine effort.

where you stand I have no idea, since I haven't read your other replies -- if there are any.
I agree with animal rights in a certain way.
I agree that the meat industry could be a lot more humane
I disagree with the fact that stopping to eat meat is the answer because it will not change anything.

It's only wishful thinking to think thoughts as "if everyone would stop eating meat, it will work!!". Your statement (however somehow biased) has some truth in this matter, but the fact is is that it's reality. Changing the way the meat industry works is not done through stopping with eating meat.
was that directed to me?

I eat meat.
learn to read and understand what is said about whom or to what entity as a whole.
learn to act your age instead of a pretention teenager.
ah the good old "age-card". how clever and original.
so you've got it a lot, then. just keep your filthy negativity away from me, and I'll be more than happy.
i <3 meat
ugly clip :<
im vegetarian aswell for about 5 years now
see? veg = pro :---------D
Quotebtw anyhow meat-eaters makes 15 times more waste in year than vegetarian.

rofl, seriously go hug a tree or two plz.
you may laugh now, but lets see in 30 years, you may be quite tacit.
right. >:) I'm glad you saw "the light".
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