i /quit ET

Ive got my 1 year + trip to plan and some work i have to finish before i go so im going to call it a day with ET. Its been fun (for the most part) playing with and against you and i hope to have some time to play et:qw. GL all and remember HAVE FUN

image: ukeg_logo
oki bibuy & glhf @ trip :q
c ya mr carrot

was fun playin with ya =)
cu hf with ur trip
Bye bye breezy :<
Where are you planning to go?
Japan - southeast asia - Australia - New Zealand -Fiji - USA @ canada
:o Gunna miss ya whine tbh.

GL in future.
See you around =] you fatso
Bye breez, will miss ur whine, although u always whined about stupid things and i dont think ive ever agreed on u, except vs pot n frank :P
Cyas :)
good bye negga i miss u
Have fun accusing everyone of cheating @ RL
I hope ur dad sells his computer and loses his job :D
Ouch, that hurt. My dad doesn't have a job !!1 So it's not really like it matters to me.
okay bye. good luck in your future! :))
Bye netlamerrrrozoroz
bibuy! good luck!
hf bye ;]
desu desu
finnaly i waited so long for this day :)
hf brzy ya knob head <3
c u breezy !
ffs no more whine on comms, what am i gonna do
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