WWTDD.com was yesterday!

What an awesome page: http://ettruth.wordpress.com/

Just too hilarious. :DDDDDDDDDD

Random pic for biqq:

image: 2005798949605151449_rs
rofl ¦)
nice flame
wtf r u doing in team-de? :[
i fukkin love those cats xD

image: 0000bfwh1

image: mahassociates
Ich war nicht da übers Wochenende. :p


QuoteGreat times for the Swedish nation, not even their joker jonas aka Tony Hawk (he got that nickname for all the 180s he does) could help them when they failed to show skill (or even dignity by playing the match until the very end).

savage - I feel sorry for him. After cheating all these years hes still not managed to even win an online tournament. That means that even with the help of Daddys Little Aimbot hes absoluty talent free.

i so lol'd irl
so did I :D
<3333333333333333333 ET-Truth
man i like it ... i rly rly like it!
Don't get what's so funny about that page, guess I'm just too sophisticated.
hab nur fist gelesen und an was ferkeliges gedacht! :-<
<3 to whoever writes this :d
:DD The author knows what he is talking about!
does make a lot of points too
Ok, so a lot of teams have announced their lineups. Let’s start with the long anticipated roster of Bosnia & Herzego…just kidding. Who cares about the players in those teams? I bet that very few people can even spell Bosnia & whatever without consulting a dictionary let alone know where that country is.
great site :D
much <3
QuoteET-Truth 1, Crossfire and GamesTV 0
Both pages are offline, we’re still rocking.
We win!

love this part so much, like if there ever were more than 10 users online...
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