/quit 2.6b

Im quitting 2.6b.... why?
Because this NC and WC is getting rediculous, look at team NL, why mize when he had a ban for cheating?Even me lost the faith in teamNL just cuz it has hackers in it.
Busting cheaters is also a joke, still gj to Bulld0g for busting as many as he did, and personally i blame the private bots makers.
They try to get money out of people, by selling them things that makes this awesome game shit, for other people.
I mean , i just watch GER vs FIN, i know there are high skilled peepz, and i admire those persons much, but butchji has so many hs, that isnt normal.
At the LAN, he sucked (CPC2), how come i wonder.
Squall didnt go to CPC all of a sudden, One of the top fraggers atm, didnt wanna show the crowd that he just owns, why not do that?
these are all people who i think have some kind of private bot, or just simply are very very fukking good.
I am leaving 2.6b, but not ET, i am going to the "noob" patch of ET,, 2.55, why?
Because their is more fun, more pleasure in the game, its not for money, for prizes, just for fun.
Ofcourse their always will be cheaters on Every game their is...unfortunatly.
The community on 2.55 is also more friendly , you dont get flamed for shit, you get respected, and the people have a chance to get things done there, be their own high skill.
This doesnt mean i love Gaymod, or similar ones, there also is ETPro their.
The MED/MED+ skillers of 2.6b are high skilled on 2.55, that makes the game with more variety, more people to play with, but the people still play 2.6b with a hope to get high skilled one day, but they wont, the key-essence to getting high-skilled is being a natural, being almost above human(in-game ofc).
I wanted to say that im leaving 2.6b, not forever, i will play it from time to time when i feel like it, but i wont get back to it activly any time soon.
Good bye to everyone of the 2.6b community, liked the time with ya guys(atleast almost everyone)
Feel free to play 2.55 once (duroh, dikzak ^^) and ill be happy to play with you.

Cya guys

shoutout to everyone ( -.- )
Squall had exams !!! That's why he couldn't come !! Kinda strange he couldn't say it earlier, but I guess schools in Finland announce their exams only 2 weeks before they start.

And Butchji owned on Quakecon, CPC I and sHgOpen so he's kinda cleared from all accusations. He's just "fukkin fukkin good" as you said it =]]
Squall had a special school what is preparing to CPC2...but he failed....thats why he couldnt come
Germany he was not that good at Poland PGA and Netherlands cpc's coz there were Poland poor pc's. at United States of America Qcon Germany he played very well, because of the Finland good pc's. here Belgium you can see how big advantage Finland good pc is..
He didn't suck at CPC I and I didn't say anything about PGA.
well dunno.. I didnt watch him at cpc1 that much... but gn8 now :-D
I specced him one game (cant remember which one) @ PGA, he played amazing there. Don't know how he played other games tho.
afaik butchji didnt attend to one of those tournaments
Oh yeah, he didn't play at sHgOpen :<
But he did play at Quakecon 06 and CPC I =]]
ye, just correcting, not saying that butchji cheats (although Ive seen few nice avis and seen him doing weird stuff @ ettv)
nice knowing
Thank You, all 1ns1d3rs 1nf0 m8
np, and btw nice report on cb <3
Thank you, but I prefer you put it in a comment there ;-p
still i can't figured out where is the point playing at home with cheats and without @ lans
well I had exams on tuesday and teacher told about it on monday so finnish schools rly rocks..
ok nice man REspecT!
log out and kill yourself, kthx.

edit: I didn't read the journal.
nice read, fully agree. it's getting more and more annoying.
lol butchji sucking at lan

he destroyed at qcon
let's buy 100k of C4 and destroy all producers of that bloody fucking shit thing :<
i've nice contacts with ladens family so np4me...
truuuuuuuue !
oke doei
ok bibuy
who are you anyway?
couldn't have put it better my self. and actuallly a low/low+ player is highskilled on 2.55
bye another unknown:(
agree with you gl their
hi hacker
still hacking?
hi2u re-tard :_o
hello hurensohn :o)
dont insult me
its just the truth

einmal hacker immer hacker :/
we wont mis you
wie zijn we, en ik wil niet eens aan je denken, wrm praat je hier als je me togh niet mist, vind je het stoer om te zeggen fsow
ja net zoals jij ;)
agree with you, gl !
like we care about a noname like you :x
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