Leaving a clan in xfire

Is it even possible? How? Why not?

Admins please remove me from mind's stupid fag 'sugar hill gang' scheisse stuff (I pressed the join button accidentally when he invited me and he wont remove me)

Thank you in advance
I blame Ruipperi
ah don't be sad Lasse, i will get mony for telephony and we will have sexes chat
Not possible. Xfire3. Pro.
leader has to kick you.
"you cannot leave, but you can hide the clan from your profile if u make it Dead."
players should be able to leave
if leaders want to leave
tell admin to change leader and then leave!
It's not possible to remove yourself. I've removed you now though.
"Why not?"
remove me from Team Limburg pls
Pls make it possible to leave clans, it's kinda annoying.
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