Cup admins wanted!

After having a succesfull 64 slots cup previous weekend for Enemy Territory, #sNd-gaming wants to grow not only in ET, but also in some other games. Therefore we search cup admins for the following games:

- CoD2
- CS:s
- BF2

When you think you are the one to run such cups, or if you know someone that might find it a challenge to run a cup for us, try to contact either snd`Raged or me in #sNd-gaming. Experience is NOT a must!

Our main goal by posting this is not to get all the cup admins, but we do also ask you if you could provide us with some community sites for the above standing games. If you got some sites, please post them in this journal.

#sNd-gaming |
gL , n1 cup
snd are retarded admins

rename the cup to cheaters fo ze win plz
Nie whinen
je bek homofiele hekker
chill man, steek er nog maar ff 1 op =D
wake & bake ftw
first give me these games and then I will do it. oki ?

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