You really need to push my prestige/esteem/importance plz

this is not a cheap, hidden link to my profil to enlarge hits on chaplja's new (and not working) hitcounter

u all rly love crossfie, dont you? :)
if u dont care dont dare to write, cauz u proof urself wrong.
if u wonna flame go ahead thats intended.
if you want to make me happy plz dont reply and bring me beer.
I don't really love crossfire, although I have been known to use my laptops exhaust hole as a make-shift vaginal passage.
ur journal beats this one by ages. ur a bored dude. now bring me beer!
if you ever pass the age of 12 I will happily bring you some.
and now u got the point!
3(4) reasons why i reply to myself
1/2) i am drunk and bored
3) 2 direct replys so far saying: i dont love crossfire. due to the fact that this was not the whole content of my journal i think i did rly hit a sensitive spot there
4) the original point (what made me come to the idea of creating this before i glided off the theme) was the fact that chaplja accounced his new hitcounter and all ppl put it in their profil just to show they r cool and up 2 date (cuaz it does not fucking work as far as i can see; so delete it and dont present urself as a retard ontop of the wnb-wave)
Says the guy who has:

this is why ET "community" appears 2 be so dumb. they are handicaps, take a look:
(url) []
am i the only 1 to feel embarassed to share my time with those ppl?

in his profile. You're such a twat.
obviously u didnt take a look @ the pix. otherwise ur totally retarded, or blind or u have been 2 lan urself :>
machst du eigentlich immer aufzählungen O_O?
die letzte war von dir <3
ausserdem muss man für die meisten hier zählen, da es offensichtlich nicht zu ihren stärken gehört.
Quote by drunktardif u dont care dont dare to write, cauz u proof urself wrong.
would u mind not to be such a fanboy of me? god damn reply do ever fakkn comment i make. get friends and if u finally get the chance to strike back with a good comment take it then and dont enlarge the list of "just-reply-to-reply"-posts. and i am sure u didnt get that but i know already so dont tell me again.
but your nick is so cool, I can't hold it.

Oh yeah! You realy have the right in deciding what's a good comment or not, seeing your pure pwnage comments/journals and fake logs.

And I told you that I didn't get the meaning of it until you explained more clearly, you know the average IQ on this site is like less than 30(not that it realy have anything to do with cleverness or a effective brain, but it's just a set [stock] phrase).
if u dont like my comments ignore them but they seem to appeal to you.

this was my first journal so where is they point in saying i do random journals all the time (and i only did it cauz i couldnt take it anymore)

the log is not fake. try to accept that. i even asked u if i should store it on my PC. (and tbh where else should i know from that u r that dumb 2 ask me for demo for wolfcam??? -> on wolfcam u can see 1st person of all players no matter witch demo it is.)

u actually did not tell me anything and i did not explain anyhing more precisely after a reply of u.

dont start to talk about IQ cauz u to end the brackets -> if u write ( there sould usually come ) later on :)
and its actually not
Quotea effective brain
but "an effective brain" tbh. (and this comes with a,i,o,u aswell)
I never said I didn't want to reply to anything.

I didn't said you made lots of journals, this journal is enough.

The log IS fake, I have never writen that shit and you say you got so much more log, you said you will paste it to me on irc or smth but you didn't.

Your wrong about wolfcam, I have only tested it once but you can't spec all players(the ones to far away/leans don't show).

Quoteu actually did not tell em anything and i did not explain anyhing more precisely after a reply of u.

eh... are you on weed or something? I didn't say I told anyone anything...

The rest you think you know anything about but you acctualy don't.

OK, im so sorry. I admit, I sometimes makes grammar misstakes, "SRSLY". But take a look at your own writings.
i could say so much about this right now but u bore me again.
fact is: u try to get ur ass out of that again (like last time).
the log is not fake and i can rly send it to you if you /q me in irc one day, cauz i dont care about you anymore as soon as my browser is closed or there is no "new message" sign.
I twisted "em" and "me", i am sorry. What i wanted to say is: u said u didnt get the point before i explained it more clearly. but i did never explain anything more clearly after a post of you.
wolfcam:slajdan wants to learn what he is talking about

if you reply to me atleast try to make it not that simple to show that there is no content in your posts just the wish to flame @ me cauz i embarrass you everytime you try again. and tbh i dont see a reason why you should respond again. and tp prevent that: you are right in what ever you say and i am sure your friends think you comments bashed me 2 death just as mine love my ones. ok? i want peace now. ur not worth wasting so much time but due to my character i cant stop myself from showing ppl what shit they wrote. so dont give me a reason to start again :C

QuoteWhat i wanted to say is: u said u didnt get the point before i explained it more clearly.

ever heard about sarcasm? I was refeering to you explaining to someone that acctualy made a good joke about you and your journal but you didn't seem to get it was a joke.

chickening out already? can't take the pressure of a litle convo or do you simply have better stuff to do?
i just wanted to hear that once again. that u dont even know my irc nick but u r so sure u never had a chat with me xDDD
I had some xfire convos with you here yes, and very embarassing mails from you yes, nothing else.

Read my edit, didn't realy plan to write more stuff because you seem so incredibly stoned/dumb, but WE, nothing better to do when looking up faQs.
If you don't want to paste the log here, paste it on irc, #monkeyboys
u got pwned. need 2 edit. gg
That's a reasonable comment.
That's a reasonable reason not to show me the log.

Seriously guy, I made that channel just for you and your log.

Editing is diffrent from adding, I could've made it another reply, but your call.

Quoteam i the only 1 to feel embarassed to share my time with those ppl?

maybe it's time for you to leave this community then.
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