It`s fucking done!

Hi Crossfire! Hi guys out there!
Just wanted to tell you how glad I am atm.
I just came back from school and handed in our Diploma book:
Measurment of bloodcoagulation - developing a new principle for easy and cheap measurment
Today our project became exactly 1 year old and finally we handed it in!
One year of excessive working, days and nights infront of our laptops, 100ets of hours in the laboratory fucking around with our own blood, days of writing the book.

A big preassure just fell down from our shoulders and we only got the mood to party openend...

The end of school is also near.
The writingpart ended on monday and in the beginning of june we got the oral part.
Then Summersplash 07 in turkey is waiting!

Just wanted to say that... if you want something, then ask now cuz chances are good that i say yes :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

Bid you all a nice day crossfire! <3
what was the project about?
Measurment of bloodcoagulation - developing a new principle for easy and cheap measurment
Have a nice Day !
can you give me all your money?
haha 1 sec difference
Now we have actual proof though that being polite only takes one second.
Give me all your money. Please.
kill aravic
q3dm17 > cpm3 xDDD
you said that cuz you have got pwnd by me on this map :D

brb going to make a .avi too :DDD (q3dm17 \o/)

btw, nice work @ your project ;)
you like the quality?
<3 the oral part
you r teh best
i just made that journal cuz i am so glad atm!
nice, gratz viech ;)
gl hf with your real diploma @university then. It will be 10 times more work than this "little" school project :)
jetzt tus net so runter... also kinderprojekt war das bei gott keines... medizintechnik pur und die diplomarbeit hat schluss endlich 75 seiten gefasst
didnt want to do that, was just getting you back on the ground :) Was going through the same feelings when i finished my school and then baam there was university :(
uni starts on 1st of October, hope that enlarged 2k7 will be possible somehow...

well in our class there have been 3 projects a 2 guys.
it was rly difficult tbh.... blood is more complex than anybody would expect.... but finally we found something that nobody did before and our research was particulary successful.
And thats what we are proud of... we arent just glad about not having anything to do anymore... we are proud... it was one level above the usuall school...
the final experiments were done with our own blood (had to give my own blood 2 times and my collegue 1 time) :D

well it is done and i m looking foward to the next experiences my life will bring...
@ uni i m going to inscribe at technical physics and later i hope that i will make it into medical technology... basically what our project was =)))
yeah gl with that, im studying computer science with medicine as (nebenfach). Kinda intresting bio informatics is complex but yeah very intresting :)

Du brausch a neue q3 cfg <3 (oder liegts an mir das ich die tracer von der rocket net seh)
die config ist (so sagt man in österreich) am hosentürdel obegschnitzt....
uberstandard cfg... but when the et project is done i will take more time and improve my q3 cfg...
i plan to make a "this is esports" movie containing of more games... something of that kind... but i m still planing... now i need to get a clear mind until i am able to start a project like that...
and until i will improve my cfg
gl and hf with that :)
i'm just sitting here @ university waiting for people who got some pc's boooring but easy money lol...nevertheless i want it to be done too...atleast for today
summersplash ist krieg, vor dem abflug das letzte mal nüchtern für eine woche :P, hf
wenn es stimmt das die mädlsquote über 50 % liegt oder genau bei 50 dann werd ich mich nicht total vernichten :P
gibt bessere (:P) sachen zu tun :D
paniert hin, paniert zurück, jeden tag zu fett um irgendwas zu reissen, 4x im babybecken geschlafen, ein ausgerissener grosser zehennagel, 10g weed von securities konfisziert, eierspeis die ausschaut wie vanillepudding.

ja, es war lustig damals D:DD
looking forward to this one
Well done :D Enjoy the release
congrats olüühhhh
awesome that there still are so nice guys here!
thank you all so much =)))
Use ' not `!
hf hacker
Congratulations! :)
can i have your config?
when the movie juICE & Noorgrin movie is done i will release the config
u have your profilepic without you using paint on it? :d
tbh i dont care about your config, just wanted to ask :)
najs viech ;>
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