mouse - problems

today i started my pc up like i always do, but something didnt feel right.
i moved my mouse around to open msn but it was like my mouse had other ideas, i started circling around and noticed my cursor was moving up, but the weird thing is i kept my mouse on the same hight, its really annoying in-game.
i REALLY hope some can help me

*its a razer copperhead.
some one* height* lol
Quote*its a razer copperhead.

there is your problem
thats so usefull
sorry, but maybe it's simply broken...
you may try to clean the lens though
Maybe ur lens is dirty or your mousepad sucks/ is dirty.
Qpad xxL
how to clean ur mouse without damaging it?
thanks for your time
your mousepad is dirty or bumpy? :o
Here is something
even after i cleaned it proper its still not working like it should
reinstall mouse-drivers?
its a copperhead, try to install new drivers or its one more the usb who crushed....
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