ET problem - again:/

From some days i have a problem with my et. Can't connect to any server. Still awaiting and awaiting...I tryed every thing's, finally i removed etkey form my et and when I do that everything working, can connect but servers kicking me becuse of emply etkey. I tryed create a new one. With commend's and everything it looked oke, i mean had that messege - new cd key will be created and stuff bla bla , but noting was happend. Still don't have new etkey. So reasume , with etkey can't connect to any server, without etkey i can but getting kicked every time coz new et key couldn't be created:( so what's going on? I have reinstaled my et twice, updateing pb even more than 5 times and it is still not working :/ Why?
Ahh and my friend who is a admin gave me that's logs form his server. He checked what messege will be create when i will connect to server.

So we can see smth like this :

^3PunkBuster Server: Client trying to connect from 83.x.x.x:27960 is supplying bad information
Client 481 connecting with 250 challenge ping
^3PunkBuster Server: GuidAuth Server not responding - player accepted from 83.x.x.x
Client 478 connecting with 50 challenge ping"

Soo? Anyone can helps me?

ps. Ja i know my english isn't good :/

Help me...

image: taishanch1

Can't play...bubububu :(
OSP problems
wanna have my cdkey? :DDddddD:dDdd:Ddd::Dd

Still have my old one:P
Why does everyone put a "ps: my english sux" ?

If you're not born in england people will understand you're not going to write a perfectly written journal.

And if you can't handle the flame about your english, please stop visiting this website.

Hope someone will help you with your problem Fasolka!
Of course they won't you illiterate cock.
1 more word and I shall personally remove your balls, crush them into a think paste and paint the words; "I owned goliath" On my wall.
that sounds tasteful, ill have two!
If you're not born in england people will understand you're not going to write a perfectly written journal.

People yes. BUT this is crossfire!

ps Fasolka ur english sucks
you remind me to sock
It's just sad people rather write an insult instead of writing nothing or gl.
hey welcome to crossfire!
It wasn't always like this you know :)
Registered: 19 January 2007
Member For: 3 months and 22 days

how would you know?
probably because this isn't my first profile . .
what happend to your first?
Loekino messed with it.
he's an asshole.
crossfire user != person :)
cheaters !
Ofc! My cheat was broke :( can't do nothing :(((((((((((((((((((((

Czesc Pawel:)
A ty co taki nocny marek?:P Spac nie mozesz?:)))))))))))
czasami trzeba :)
ask perfo maybeh? Oo :P
had the same prob but it got solved when I dloaded that manual pbupdating shit & drove it, soz for not giving ze link
why dont u just stfu or help? this community is so fucked, seriously, whenever a journal where someone actually needs help is created there are just stupid comments posted.
If u wanna chat go to irc...
Hoi Fasolka

I had the same problem but i deleted my et key n updated pb and than it worked fine.
I did that too:(

booh my et hates me!
Than i rly can't help, sry :<!
stop playing^^ or ask perfo!
Perfo doesn't knowwwwwwwwwww:(
löl update pb again

edit* when u reinstalled et u also deleted the folders or not?
:) i do everything! Deleted all folders, and when it doesn't work, made format c^^ And still the same prob.
got the newest version and "instaled" it correctly?
ehem, the newest version form crossfire:) et pack 1.3
Si. I have everyting. ahhh and i can connect to almost every ettv server without kick and stuff. This is also strange.
screenshot! ^^


May 13 2007 at 02:04 ET Supply final
[Germany] sF'lySo:ETTV #4
- 9.5 min

Spent here almost 10 minutes:)
hm :< lets play with me and straf come BIO :)
ah edit* question: till when or why et wasnt working anymore? just one day of the other or..?
210fps omg i want your pc :(
just one day it wasn't work:( I did nothing.
wääääääääääh got laggi 76 fps :'<
still pwning^^ chrchrchr
Wiesiu ty sie tak nie przygladaj ale napisz co to moze byc:(
disable windows firewall
If you have ''system restore'' on in windows you can try to put your system back a few days when ET was working.
oh noes fasolka
maybe your et needs a short brake :o)
hope it'll work tomorrow
its not your et, its your inet not reaching evenbalance auth server.
Thats also why you can connect to ETTV server but not to pb enabled

be sure to have updated DNS server in your router.
i don't think so. My brother has same inet connection as me( a room next on mines) and his et working good :(
jup pretty obvious that you got a port problem then. Did you reset your router yet? If not do it, if yes go and assign your et a unique port and your brothers et another port.

Bit un-usual but its still the best solution to play et on the same Network in the net.

Quotei don't think so. My brother has same inet connection as me( a room next on mines) and his et working good :(

U think wrong here, fact is that pb wont let you auth why, i say its because you cant reach the server. If you are pissed off from it that much go send a support ticket to :)
I did it already =)
u got to be luvin ET :) Really couldnt be assed to send a support ticket :) But yea, gl with the prob.

And good night!
ur cute panda or what does that random pic mean ?
sad panda = sad fas :(
sry but i cant help u .. :<
image: rakipanda

drawed by myself when i was drunk
best panda
So emotional panDka <3

Going to bed. Tomorrow will be fighting with 200 kidies in work and with my evil et again - nice kinda of relax after work stuff^^

Good night :)
sleep well fasolka :)
zomg it was the sad panda!
just use troubleticket. they will need few days to reply but they helped me out.. had almost the same probb
kot would come round and fix it if you want
ofc i don't want. This is my et, and i can fix it by myself =)
Then why did you make a jurnalik?!
Becouse I need some sugestions?
But if you can fix it by yourself, you wouldn't need to make a jurnalik! You did make a jurnalik though...

Females + technology = image: emoticon6qx3
have you tried removing "pbns.dat" from your PBfolder, after you updated PB? Worked for me when I had the awaiting challenge shit. Been a long time ago though...
you sure, hes pretty good with his hands
I am not that sure as you
i have absolutely no idea what you just implied.
I agree with her, I am not that sure as you.
im not that sure what your not sure about
I am not that sure as you are not that sure about.
ooh please ask obs
you can also, reinstall et xD
can I borrow your gf for like 50 euros?
delete your pbns.dat file in your pb folder and hf!
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