again..and again...Serbia Serbia has become the first place of Eurovision 2007, hope we will own next year too!

samo sloga srbina spasava

Edit: heres the link to watch

all those crappy countries only vote for each other, so artists from lets say europe dont have a fair chance, because they get outvoted anyways
i lold @ you, its not serbias fault, that NL isnt able to make a nice song! go ahead
I don't think he was mentioning the netherlands specific.. though NL really has a bad song :P
bravo srbini
UK the best......NOT

Scooch - Flying The Flag

This is your captain speaking; I’d like to welcome you aboard this Eurovision flight
The duration will be 3 minutes exactly – now sit back, relax and enjoy the flight

Ba-ba-da, Ba-ba-da, Ba-da-da-ba, ba-da
Duty free madam?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Ba-ba-da, Ba-ba-da, Ba-da-da-ba, ba-da
We’re flying the flag all over the world - Flying the flag for you

London to Berlin
All the way from Paris to Tallinn
Helsinki on to Prague
Don’t matter where we are –yeah yeah ye-ah

Flying high in Amsterdam
Why don’t you catch us if you can
Now we’re cruising in the sky
And we’re singing it for you

Ba-ba-da, Ba-ba-da, Ba-da-da-ba, ba-da
Some salted nuts sir?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Ba-ba-da, Ba-ba-da, Ba-da-da-ba, ba-da

We’re flying the flag all over the world
Flying the flag for you
Would you like a complimentary drink with your meal sir?
We’re flying the flag all over the world
Flying the flag for you…

Ladies & Gentlemen, your exits are located here, here and here
To fasten your seatbelt insert the fitting
To use the life vest, slip it over your head
Pull firmly on the red cord and blow into the mouthpiece

Ba-ba-da, Ba-ba-da, Ba-da-da-ba, ba-da
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Ba-ba-da, Ba-ba-da, Ba-da-da-ba, ba-da

We’re flying the flag all over the world
Flying the flag for you

We’re flying the flag all over the world - yes we’re flying - take you all around the world
Flying the flag for you
Would you like something to suck on for landing sir?
We’re flying the flag all over the world - yes we’re flying - take you all around the world
Flying the flag for you…

We’d like to thank you for flying with us today
that song was absolutly the worsest shit i ever saw......
all the balkan countries just vote for eachother, it's a good song but i'd have preferred russia, or even ukraine since at least it was funny
hmm every country is voting for they neighbours, same for cyprus, gave 12 points to greece
I find it both unfair, and natural. since half of cyprus are greek, of course they will vote for greece. and also it's pretty natural to have the same music taste as them. though everybody talking about cypus and greece can fuck off, it's just one contry. take a look at serbia with the 100 countries around voting for them.

the biggest son of a bitch is the swedish commentator always complaining about greece and cyprus while he ain't saying shit about norway, denmark, iceland and finland voting for the gay dude.

it was just an example mate :D
troo :) but at least the serbian song was good so congrats :o)
fuck u . balkan pwn u all and u whine
fucking me isn't gonna change the facts.
wtf she/he is soooooooo ugly :|
but i think she/he sings nice even if i dont know what she/he sings
That song sucks.
i like the russian bitches.... naaais
That song absolutly sucks. Worst winning song in the last...6 or 7 years atleast.
lordi were great man
u dont understand the language, how are u able to judge then?
hmm, what are these things called subtitles...geez i don't know, maybe you can tell me...

but no wonder it won, it was a religious song
ROFL! Eurovision 2007 - I saw yesterday about 19 artists and IT WAS ONEBIG LOL, everybody was shiny trans or disco robot. I dont believe that these "groups" could even sing in front of TV... and yes I looking forward UK - I told myself they have good groups and singers that must be something different than silly cirkus but NOT... disco plane group... nono pls no! :P
HOLY SHIT NOOO! Text = 0/10 Music = 1/10 (I like the first tune but NO DISCO SHIT AROUND) - its popular in Ukrain to wear lipstick as a man and sing like gay? Its shame to represent homeland with this shit!

KABAT rulla!
but it was funny as fuck
Yea funny yes! But as much funny as sad imo...
ukraine owned and should've won. "former" yugoslavians fucked it all up.
It sucked. All the fucking small neighbour countries voted for serbia. So the biggest countries had no chance. Its not fair tbh. The voting should go by what you like most not the way that you vote to a fucking neighbour who has biggest firepower or more money.
the balkan countries have much money?
hi alex, come #ex-yug
With that i ment 1 balkan country has more money that other not that they have more than big countries in europe.
whats serbia ?
Well, all the balkan countries understood the song. Maybe something to do with that and not just for beeing neighbours.
you really didn't have subtitles when a foreign language song was sang ?

it is a religious song, and balkan is very religious
there are no subtitles at all!
Kinda laughable how the 3 biggest contributers (UK, France, Germany) never place well ever, I even remember a few years back when they all finished in the bottom 3. Just goes to show how corrupt the competition is, not that I really care.
we gave you 12 points!
wait so you're suggesting to make it less "corrupt" votes should go to the countries paying for the event? what?
didn't really have a point, just making some observations.
No subtitles in Norway
2 bad for you, you miss a lot of LOLinRL
sweden needs inflames or vintersorg
made my day...fake nation again
they have to change the voting system. I read @ that it would be an intelligent idea to make "blocks" again (only for the voting system ofcourse) and each country is only allowed to vote for a country outside their block. A good idea imo
sux, its not our fault we're good
i read yesterday that the commission is going to change it anyways. No telephone votings anymore and a jury will decide if the song was good or bad
In that case Serbia would still had won, cuz they did got rated with best song.

So for once , the system did work and the best song DID win
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