A global config?

moved to columns :P
i dont care, just a config.
Global config wth mg pls.
you should have done it as article, nice one over :]
will post it, just fixing markup 'n shit
you got my vote! and people should whine less about mg and try to learn how to play et!!!
Just one thing about the helmetprotection.. I think it should be forced to 0. Why? Because you don't have a quick ROF like in RtCW where if you shoot 3hs you know for sure that the enemy is dead. Whenever you shoot 3 headshots in ET your enemy might still be alive because of a lucky regeneration time, and you actually stop shooting after the third pling because of your brains telling you the enemy should already be dead.

a medic has 140 hp, 3 headshots without helmetprotection would do 150 damage, 3 headshots with helmetprotection would do 140 damage, 2 headshots and 2 bodyshots without helmetprotection would do 136 damage, 2 headshots and 2 bodyshots with helmetprotection would do 126 damage.

So forcing the helmetprotection to 0 would be the best option imo. in short:
- no fast ROF so a lucky med regen time = you're screwed over for at least 18hp of your own
- it doesnt change anything if you shoot only 2hs, just for the 3hs you shoot
I agree, because I'm nostalgic and think 3 more-or-less consecutive headshots earn you the kill. However I feel that that whenever we used b_helmetprotection 0 (SHG/CPC2) the games weren't noticeably different.
The games weren't noticably different indeed, but how many times didn't you think 'FUCKING LOTTO MEDIC' when you shoot him 3hs and he didn't die :P
Well, we're 3 headshots only of course, but I'm talking about the rest of the community.
nice forcing 125 max fps
Nice not giving the people with a better PC the abilitity to exploit an aimspread bug. :)
doesnt the bug start at 200fps????

and who cares? its not freaking the year 2000, get a job and buy a better pc,
CPU: AMD Athlon 64 3000+ 1.80Ghz
HD: 200 Gige harddrive + 80 Gige harddrive
Monitor: 17 Inch CRT 85 Hz
Keyboard: Random Trust
Mouse: Logitech G5 lazer
Mousepad: Ice-mat original black
Sound: Realtek AC`97 audio
Graphics: Nvidia Geforce 6600
Memory: 2x 512MB DDR PC3200 400MHZ
O/S: windows xp pro
Headset: Logitech Headset USB 250
Connection: cable

i get 166 stable on every map besides radar, radar i get stable 125

you were saying?
You implied that your PC is good, it's pretty outdated now, so maybe you ought to take your own advice.
i only play et and we are talking about et related config as you have noticed so i dont see where you going with this. and quote me where i said my pc is good, I only said buy a pc that can handle et and my pc handles et pretty well.
You seem to gather so much from so few words, maybe re-read what has actually been said. How can I quote you on something you didn't say? I said you implied that you had a good PC, the irony being that it's outdated.

Anyway, zzz.
there is no helmet protection in et, only lucky regeneration on medic.
we need global cfg!!!

- no MG (lame weapon)
- 4 mines (spam reduction!!!)
- helmetprotection 1 (what would the meaning of helmet be then? not rly, more gling gling is better for fragmovies)
- maxfps 40-125 (whatever)
- rate 15000-25000 (no impact on game anyway)
- maxpackets 40-100 (the same ^^)
- panzer rechargetime 25 sec
- no nades for medics xD (spam reduction, tho they could have 1 nade after picking ammo pack)
just remove objectives aswell, add flags instead of dyna objectives and make it a 6 medic game. Oh wait, karsiah already did that :O
omg, ur biased towards me. pls help me someone. Karsiah suckz the way it's now xD hate all those random baskets and retarded terrain and railings n stuff xD
yes to a global config, and plz another solution to the "spread exploit" as maxfps 40-125 sux sweaty donkey balls!!!
You can count on ETpro fixing that bug, just give them some time and fps can be uncapped again.
I would rather just have waited for the bug to be fixed by the etpro team, then seeing the restriction...
force fps @100
packets @ 100
rate @ 25000
dont remove mg
7 mines

and yes, i dont care about ze laggers
agree but the fps should be 76-100 :s and the maxpackets too
A pub server with a good config like this:

10 Panzer each a team
50 Mines
20 Rifle + nades
5 Mg's
5 Flame's
1 Medic
1 Cover Ops
1 Fieldops

This should be a funny config =P!

omg fuck of MG! i dont care about anything other
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