need this song name plx

defqon pwns :DDD

edit: i think its the prophet but i don't know the song name
i went there w000t00t
same here knalle jongen
oh noes
I bet you just watched it for the dutch language eh confo, since you're a quick learner
check 6:50 that was the nicest thing on the fuckin party
do you know the name pls ? :<
get on irc.
I (wesbo!) gave you the link to that vid ;D! Newbie how are you?
im good mate :D thanks for giving me the link so long ago :D do u know who made this song ? :)

what you up to now morrigu has died mate ?
Nooo but I'm sure I've heard the song before ;o isn't it at the line up site too?

And well not doing all that much since mQ died. Still kinda clanless and haven't been playing a lot because I'm kinda busy (exams and stuff).

yeah i think the line up for this yeah is up now i checked the other day
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