The summer is coming :D

The summer is almost here and I was wondering where you guys are going to be in the summer vacation...

Are you going to work the whole summer vacation or are you planning a nice vacation with friends/family?

I am going to Bosnia for about a month and maybe I'll go to Croatia for one week, but I'm not sure yet.
Sleep, bath and play.
Work, drive, sleep.
smth like study with lots of sun!?! i have exams till the end of july :< i only have august for sleep, and get some sun :\
wtf ir ur school/uni :/
nop.. im finding last year of normal school... i have exams in day 18 of jun... 4 exams.. if im not aproved, i have to repeat them in 18 jul till 30 jul :X

then i go to uni :D
oh noes, i hate summer :-(

driving to some concerts/festivals, other time sitting here @ home and go out in the night when its not so warm, i hate hot weather
Greece as always i guess.
where will you go in greece?
Well we havnt decided yet, and my mom just came back from a party where she found out that a friend of her got a house in greece, but they are only there for the winter..
so i might be there the whole summer if its going good, not sure about the location yet (my mom forgot) :D
pm me and lets meet up :D:D
if its close enough then ye :)
btw how retarded to stay there only for the winter :p
Hahah ye i thought the same :D
you didnt mention stopping in idrija :[
Hehe :-D

I don't think my bus will stop there, but I can stop somewhere around Ljubljana, but then I have to find someone who can drive me to Idrija, and after that someone who can drive me to Tuzla.
its easy to find some1 to drive you to idrija, you just gotta know where to hitchhike
I don't trust Slovenian people :p
there are a lot of chefurs in ljubljana, so np4u
Hahahaha :-D
especially a lot @ the bus/train station, just ask the first chefur u see how to get to idrija np4u
teemu rannikko plays in Union Olimpija Ljubljana u know?
basketball is overrated
1st week Camping TRIP wth friends ;DD
other 5 weeks work :<
snowed yesterday, dont talk about summer lol!111
+15 and raining here
ivalo pls -,-
hmm prolly Thailand or indonesia , maybe Cyprus.
hmm propably to BiO or Efterlyst, dont know yet.
lol who is that in your profile, looks like a geek
Bier en tieten!

Mimizam en Les Sables d'Olonne. (France)
summer = gaming, chilling, party, tennis
bist ja langweilig
don't know yet...
hopefully I'm gonna go working on a ship as from September for six months.
If not, I will go to Hong Kong for some weeks. Till then I will have to search for a mini job.
Maybe I go to Sweden for a week
Vacation to Sweden for 1 month, other month I hope I can get a job.
maybe visiting my ex-girlfriend in italy :]
- 2 weeks in Italy with family
- train at rugby
- take coaching course for rugby
- partying :)
1. working
2. klosters / switzerland
3. finland @ MTM's
4. finland @ MTM's
5. Lloret de Mar with friendZ
1month or more working (waiting for answers...)
3month playing/partying/sleeping

going to amsterdam for 1 week
I wonder what you are going to do there :p
i miss that blondie @red lights... :D:D

smoke nice weed, sniff nice big C, ecstasy + trance in nightclubs (dutch djs are the best)
I love amsterdam, the atmosphere there is just fantastic it's all about sex n drugs n trance
Hehehe :-D

Have fun!
Amsterdam is trully a nice town idd :)
1 week greece with my parents and 1 week france with my friends (languedoc)
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